Bridge Club Planning Longest Day Fundraiser
Newtown Bridge Club proudly announces it will host its second annual Longest Day benefit to raise funds for the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.began in the Alexandria Room last year, and were extended into the building's Old Courtroom thanks to the large number of attendees. This year the local bridge club is already planning on more space, utilizing the Alexandria Room and the town hall's
On Tuesday, June 19, the club will offer bridge sessions from morning to night, complimentary food provided by local restaurants, music, and an opportunity to socialize with others who enjoy the game of bridge. The event will take place at Edmond Town Hall.
Already the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, mortality from Alzheimer's Disease continues to rise, while deaths from other major causes continue to decline. A recent Alzheimer's Association report states that the number of deaths from Alzheimer's Disease has more than doubled, increasing 123 percent between 2000 and 2015. At the same time, the number of deaths from heart disease - the number one killer in the US - has decreased by 11 percent.
Now in its sixth year, The Longest Day honors the strength, heart, and endurance displayed every day by Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. Given the long duration of this disease, the strain on caregivers can last a number of years and produce serious declines in their own physical, emotional, and financial well-being. In 2017, 16 million Americans provided an estimated 18.4 billion hours of unpaid care for Alzheimer patients.
The Alzheimer's Association notes that "the 'use it or lose it' adage seems to hold true for the brain just as it does for other parts of the body." Activities such as bridge provide for important mental stimulation.
Club member Ginny Morris, whose husband recently died of Alzheimer's Disease, reflects that "living with this disease is a long and difficult challenge for both patient and caregivers, often lasting for many years. I do believe that the hardest thing you'll ever have to do is to mourn the loss of a loved one who is still alive.
"I will be forever grateful for the support I have received from my bridge buddies," Ms Morris added. "We are all keenly aware of the benefit of the mental exercise which playing bridge provides, and of the importance of staying mentally active as one grows older. The Newtown Bridge Club provides a wonderful opportunity for cognitive exercise in a warm, friendly environment. It is truly a win-win situation."
There will be multiple bridge games at Edmond Town Hall on Tuesday, June 19. The morning games will run from 10 am to 1 pm, with breakfast pastries and coffee and tea starting at 9 am.
In the gymnasium on the lowest level, there will be a social game for non-duplicate players and separate duplicate games for players with less 50 master points, and another for players with less than 300 master points.
In the Alexandria Room on the top floor, there will be an Open duplicate game for more competitive players. Lunch will be in both locations from 1 to 2.
The afternoon games, from 2 to 5, will have three games in the gym: Social Bridge, 299ers and Chat Bridge, where players can ask for advice as they bid and play. As in the morning, there will be an Open duplicate game in the Alexandria Room.
Dinner will be provided in the Alexandria Room from 5 to 6, with live jazz, followed by two evening games from 6 to 9, one for players with less than 50 points and a separate Open game.
Bridge players are invited to play in one, two or three games. There will be partners provided for players who attend on their own.
Game fees are $15 for morning, afternoon or evening duplicate, and $10 for morning or afternoon Social Bridge. All food is complimentary.
Any player who brings in at least $100 in donations to the Alzheimer's Association will play free all day.
Newtown Bridge Club is the second largest bridge club in Connecticut and holds five ACBL-sanctioned duplicate bridge games every week at Edmond Town Hall: Mondays at 12:30 pm, Tuesdays at 10 am and 7 pm, Wednesdays at 10 am, and Thursdays at 12:30 pm. In addition, bridge lessons are offered on a regular basis for players of all levels.
For more information contact Club Manager Susan Fronapfel at 203-733-8525 or visit the club's website at
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