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Meet All The Breeds



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Doggone Etiquette —

Meet All The Breeds

By Bardi McLennan

A Word to the Dog:

You may be left home alone for awhile this weekend, but not to worry. Those wonderful VIPeople of yours may come back with a special treat, toy or other gift especially for you, so be sure you are very, very good while you wait their return. You might practice not barking at any cars driving by, or at the squirrels running past your window. Or you could do what you might possibly do best – sleep! It’s a very special weekend in our area for people who care about all you dogs.

A Word to the Dog’s Owner:

You heard about this biggie last year, so if you missed it, here’s your second chance! I’m talking about the truly enormous Meet the Breeds event taking place at the Javits Center in New York City this very weekend – on Saturday and Sunday, the 19th and 20th. This is not like a dog show where the dogs are meticulously groomed and then prance around the ring for the judge to pick a winner. At Meet the Breeds, everyone gets to judge. You can keep your opinion to yourself or share it with the dogs that steal your heart. That admiration and a few warm friendly pats are the only prizes the dogs get at this event. However, you do get to vote for the booth that you feel best displays – and the breed’s people best explain – everything about its individual breed, and the winners are definitely rewarded.

It is the only time and place where you get to see, meet, pet, and have all your questions answered about each individual breed of dog, some of which you may never even have heard of before. Plus, there are demonstrations of almost everything our dogs are bred or trained to do for and with us humans. Also there will be demos showing us what we humans can do for and with our dogs. This is a perfect “day with dogs” for the whole family, whether you have one dog or several, or are perhaps considering adding one to the family. Be advised to allow plenty of time – 160 breeds are individually represented! Plus there are activities for the kids and numerous vendors to show you what’s new and special for Rufus. I might add that this BIG event is shared with all the various breeds of cats that also perform for their audience. A really super day for everyone. Full information is online at MeetTheBreeds.com.

One of the many demonstrations is the test for the Canine Good Citizen award. I know I keep harping on it, but this is an award any pet owner can achieve with their dog – and how proud you and Rufus will be to add CGC to his name and hang the AKC documented proof on your wall. Some of these activities are mind-boggling to watch, but perhaps they simply tell us that some dogs are smarter (or better learners) than others, sort of like people.

If for any reason you can’t get into NYC this weekend to Meet the Breeds, there will no doubt be re-caps of what you missed on TV and online. Watch for it, and make it a point to go next year. While you’re at it, you could also make a commitment to have Rufus earn that Canine Good Citizen honor!

Until next time – BE GOOD!

- Bardi

Bardi McLennan bred, trained and showed Welsh Terriers for 30 years, during which time she wrote a monthly column on canine behavior in Dog Fancy Magazine. In addition to contributing to numerous dog publications, she has written 15 books on dogs, the latest being Rescue Me!, which received the ASPCA Humane Issues Award in 2008.

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