Horticulture Club Pick & Picnic At Victory Garden Planned
On Friday, July 26, The Horticulture Club of Newtown will host its Sixth Annual Pick and Picnic at The Victory Garden at Fairfield Hills.
Join club members for a summer’s evening weeding and watering the community garden. The event offers an opportunity to spend time volunteering in the garden, see what is growing, and how others grow their vegetables, which are shared with those in need in the community.
After the work sessinon, all will be invited to enjoy a potluck dinner.
Those planning to attend are asked to bring a friend, gloves, hand tools, and something to share with everyone. There is also a $5 fee for non-club members.
The group will gather at 6 pm at the garden, off Washington Square, within the Fairfield Hills campus. For additional information, visit newtownhorticultureclub.blogspot.com.