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Necessities, Yes. Niceties, No.



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Necessities, Yes.

Niceties, No.

To the Editor:

As a resident of Newtown for the past 15 years, I have never been compelled to write a letter to the editor until now.

On the front page of the June 22, 2012, edition of The Newtown Bee, regarding the “School Board Again Examines Budget Options” it was written: “Other potential reductions not decided on by the school board include removing $4,200 for the Newtown Middle Schools Moving Up Ceremony.” Really? In these economic times, and now four failed budgets, I would think that this would be an easy decision.

As a home care nurse for the past 20 years, when providing care to patents we must follow the guidelines that the services be “reasonable and medically necessary.” I implore the BOE to ask themselves, “Is what we are asking for in the budget ‘reasonable and educationally necessary?’” Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m all for education, but if it’s not educationally necessary, take it out of the budget. To put this another way, is it a nicety or a necessity? If it’s not a necessity, take it out of the budget or put it to better use such as teachers salaries, text books etc.

Call me old-fashioned, but when I graduated eighth grade some 30 years ago, a party was held at individual family homes rather than place the burden on taxpayers. When I graduated from high school, the ceremony was held at the high school. Call me out of touch with reality, as I do not have children in the school system, but do middle school children really need an elaborate “moving up” ceremony? It seems that every time a student moves from one grade to another there’s a ceremony i.e. kindergarten to first grade (cute, but not necessary) — aren’t we going a bit over the top?

Regardless of what you call me, can someone please “educate” me on why taxpayers are being asked to pay the cost of the Moving Up Ceremony? Why the Moving Up ceremony and Newtown High School Graduation needs to be held at the O’Neill Center as I’m certain it’s not free? What other “niceties” are hidden in the budget that need not be there?


Maegan Wood RN, BA, M.Div.

3 Jeremiah Road, Sandy Hook                                           July 1, 2012

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