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CELTICS 33, HORNETS 31: Colin Curran scored 14 points and Jordan Miles added nine points and five steals as the Celtics stung the Hornets. Chris Yitts also played well. For the Hornets, Kyle Hastedt scored 17 points while Brett Eastman made eight steals.

KNICKS 50, BULLS 31: Matt Myslewski scored 15 points and grabbed 14 rebounds to help lift the Knicks over the Bulls. Matt Miller dished off eight assists and Stephen Mason made five steals. For the Bulls, Pat Armstrong canned 20 points. Will Sherman, Dave Kugielsky and Jeff Bell turned in strong games.

PACERS 49, GRIZZLIES 25: Matt Kelly scored 15 points and Anthony Perez added 12 to lead the Pacers to the win. For the Grizzlies, John Kostecki scored 10 points and John Cain added eight.

HUSKIES 40, LAKERS 31: Matt DeLuca scored 14 points and Adam Miller added 10 to lead the Huskies to the win. Chris Body, Robert Raino, and Danny Cascone played well.

WARRIORS 53, RAPTORS 33: Christian Power scored 12 points and grabbed 10 rebounds to lead the Warriors to the win. Jeff Levasseur had 10 points and eight assists while Dave Keating and Rory Morrissey combined for 16 points. For the Raptors, Mike Bonsignore and Jon Lambo combined for 25 points as Wesley Steinfeld dished off nine assists and Andrew Lambo pulled down 11 rebounds.

WARRIORS 43, LAKERS 39: Chris Power canned 17 points and grabbed 10 rebounds as the Warriors nipped the Lakers. Jeff Levasseur, Mike Reid, Sean Reilly, Mike Brill and Dan Kearns all played well. For the Lakers, Mike Maruschak scored 11 points.

HORNETS 48, RAPTORS 30: Kyle Hastedt scored 16 points and Will Fields grabbed 12 rebounds to lead the Hornets past the Raptors. Steven Phillips dished off 10 assists and Danny McIlrath had four steals. For the Raptors, Mike Bonsignore scored 10 points and Adam Pennarola grabbed 11 rebounds. Jon Lambo and Carl Berquist played well.

KNICKS 43, GRIZZLIES 41: Matt Miller scored 14 points and Andy Eriquez added nine to lift the Knicks to the win. Tomor Sedaliu had a solid game. For the Grizzlies, John Kostecki scored 19 points while Joe DeFeo had 16 points and 10 rebounds in a losing effort.

BULLS 42, HEAT 30: Pat Armstrong scored 14 points and John Casson had nine rebounds as the Bulls gored the Heat. RJ Marusa and Dave Kugielsky also played well. For the Heat, Pat McCrathy scored 10 points while Byron McSweeney dished off five assists and gathered in 10 rebounds.

HUSKIES 40, PACERS 39: Matt DeLuca canned 11 points as the Huskies trimmed the Pacers. Aaron Cooper, Robert Harrison, and Adam Miller had solid performances. For the Pacers, Matt Kelly canned 15 points while Justin Bass and Mike LaPerch had good floor games.

PACERS 42, CELTICS 27: Mike LaPerch scored 13 points and PJ O’Dell had a great game as the Pacers ran over the Celtics. For the Celtics, Jordan Miles scored six points as Adam Moskowitz and John Lewis had good games.

HUSKIES 44, GRIZZLIES 26: Chris Canfield scored 10 points to lead the Huskies to the win. Robert Raino, Brian McLaughlin and Sean Canfield also played well. For the Grizzlies, Joe DeFeo scored 14 points and pulled down eight rebounds. Nick Huppenthal had five assists.

WARRIORS 44, BULLS 39: Christian Power scored 13 points and Jeff Levasseur dished off 10 assists as the Warriors nipped the Bulls. For the Bulls, Pat Armstrong poured in 22 points while Brad Campbell, Jeff Bell and John Casson had good floor games.

HEAT 62, RAPTORS 50: Matt Tavella and Jim Dietter scored 16 points apiece to lead the Heat over the Raptors. Jesse McGowan pulled down eight rebounds while Shane Huebner had a solid offensive game. For the Raptors, Wesley Steinfeld canned 18 points and Andrew Lambo grabbed 14 rebounds to lead the way. Alex Rote and Mike Corbeil also had good floor games.

KNICKS 53, LAKERS 45: Matt Miller poured in 20 points and Tomar Sidaliu added 14 to lead the Knicks. Steve Chuddy and Scott Shpunt had good games. For the Lakers, Max Kaye scored 10 points and Kyle Kirch dished off eight assists.



HORNETS 26, HUSKIES 19: Steve Kean scored 12 points to help lead the Hornets past the Huskies. Steve Mucci, Nick Soffo and Anthony Klaboniske played well. For the Huskies, James Wiedemann scored eight points while Matt Berquist pulled down eight rebounds.

CELTICS 21, KINGS 9: Alistair Ratcliff scored 12 points and Sean Myslewski dished off six assists to lead the Celtics past the Kings. Greg Krauschaar, Zach Schwartz and Mike Hahn all played well. For the Kings, Alex Naldini scored four points and grabbed nine rebounds. Owen Kessler dished off four assists and Kyle Ekstrom made three steals.

PACERS 32, KNICKS 28: Eric Palmer scored seven points while Brian Miller, Josh Powers and Stephen Marks scored six points apiece to lead the Pacers to the win. For the Knicks, Justin Miller canned 10 points while Shane McCarthy and Nick Drabik led the defense.

BULLS 36, HEAT 28: Chris Plavnicky scored 12 points and Gary Andrews made six steals to lead the Bulls past the Heat. TJ Mueller had four assists and Max Reed led the work off the boards. For the Heat, Tim Kerr canned 16 points while Chris Gingraux, Spencer Montgomery, and Scott Regnery had strong games.

NIGHTHAWKS 21, NETS 18: Tommy Santella scored 10 points as the Nighthawks slipped past the Nets. Noah Kugielsky, Paul Brennan, Josh Wilson and Emil Walston all had good floor games. For the Nets, Dave McLaughlin scored seven points while Joe Rahtelli added six.




BULLS 27, NETS 13: Jessica DiVanno, Jessica Obamo, Ashley Cronin and Jennifer Blauvelt lifted the Bulls over the Nets in the Divisional Playdowns. For the Nets, Erin Bair, Katie Clevier, Lauren Kostes and Christine Ercole had good floor games.




SUNS 40, BULLS 13: Becky Huot scored eight points as the Suns rolled past the Bulls. Moira Collier dished off three assists, Jamie Marcucilli had two steals and Caitlin O’Connell grabbed five rebounds. Vicki Thomas had an all-around good game. For the Bulls, Emily Fields, Laura Kronkos, Caitlin Kimball, Ellen Reid and Kimberly Solheim had solid performances.

PACERS 24, ROCKETS 20: Gina Bloshuk scored 10 points to lead the Pacers past the Rockets. For the Rockets, Diana Grimaldi scored eight points while Rachel Eastman had six assists.

CELTICS 27, LAKERS 21: Valerie Nezvesky scored eight points and five steals and Amy Kelley chipped in with seven points to lead the Celtics to the first-round playoff win.  Ali Legros had five reounds while Casey Frobey, Elsa Gillis, Julie Landin, and Katie Desimone had good performances.

SPURS 20, KNICKS 6: Sam Wong scored six points while Erin Ruddock and Erin Clank scored four points apiece to lead the Spurs to the win. For the Knicks, Moey Fitzgeerald scored six points while Jennifer Greenwood and Brienne Bowen played well.



REIGN versus HUSKIES: Hanna Tennenbaum, Meghan Brestovansky and Kelley Tenney led the Reign while Lindsay Gault, Joanna Barry and Megan Hudson powered the Huskies.

XPLOSION versus LASERS: Maggie Kimball, Kathleen Brown, Jennifer Brill and Jane Cozens led the Xplosion as Meghan Trosan, Courtney Gleason, and Morgan Knees paced the Lasers.

RAGE versus STARS: It was a team effort for the Rage while Carly Doherty, Kelly Linden and Laura Newberry stood out for the Stars.



BULLS versus JAZZ: Jack List, Tucker LaPak, and Ricky Gallucci had great games for the Bulls while Tyler Hawkins, Ian Guilfoil, Michael Bunger and Josh Nightingale powered the Jazz.

HEAT versus KINGS: Eric Rardin, Matt Narel and Matt Hill led the effort for the Heat while Sam Miller, Dan Spencer, Mario Roehrs and Collin Babbage led the Kings.

LAKERS versus NETS: Kyle Droniak, Robbie Blank, Danny Laurence and Brendan O’Connell had solid floor games for the Lakers while the Nets made a good defensive stand.

HUSKIES versus 76ERS: Jake DeVellis, Keith McGrath, Brendan Buzaid and Dave Hutchison powered the Huskies as David Bray, Joey Knapik, and Tom Jackman led the Sixers.

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