Thanks To The Police
Thanks To The Police
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Borough of Newtown, Main Street residents, and all Trick-O-Treaters I would like to thank the Newtown Police Department for their support on Halloween Eve.
The Newtown police had no less than five police cars posted between Currituck Avenue and Glover Avenue, and had cones running down the entire Main Street from Currituck to Glover as well. The cones clearly slowed traffic and worked wonders. Trick-O-Treaters totaled more than 2,200.
All went well as the police did a great job, and kudos to the Police Commission, as well. On another note, perhaps cones could be tried on Queen Street rather than imposing speed bumps and stop signs. Just a thanks and a thought.
Jim Gaston
Warden of the Borough
18 Main Street, Newtown                                       November 7, 2007