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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Bank Gives Seminar On Preventing Identity Theft



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Bank Gives Seminar On Preventing Identity Theft

To help arm consumers with the best weapon against identity theft — information — NewMil Bank offered a free seminar on preventing identity theft. Presented to the Union Carbide Corporation retirees, the seminar took place on Wednesday, April 20, at the Trinity Church in Newtown.

Presented by Marlene Warren, NewMil Bank’s senior vice president, branch administration department, the seminar provided participants with the knowledge necessary to prevent identity theft, including explaining what identity theft is, how it happens, how to minimize risk, and what to do if your identity is stolen.

George Sabino, member of the Board of Directors of “Uncle Charley’s Angels,” affiliated with Union Carbide Corporation’s Carbide Retiree Corps, coordinated the event. Mr Sabino is responsible for getting speakers to talk about subjects that are of importance to Union Carbide retiree members. Several members have suffered from identity theft.

Identity theft is the nation’s fastest growing crime and the number one concern among consumers contacting the Federal Trade Commission, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center, a national nonprofit organization focused exclusively on identity theft.

To learn more about identity theft and tips on how to safeguard your identity, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft website at www.consumer.gov.idtheft.

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