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Nov 10-11: Wilton Historical Society American Craftsmanship Show, Wilton High School Field House, Rte 7, Wilton, 10 am-5 pm ###early buying Sat 8 am, Nov20), adm Nov8, 150 nat'l artists 12:23 A11/P11 artisans; 203-762-7257…



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Nov 10-11: Wilton Historical Society American Craftsmanship Show, Wilton High School Field House, Rte 7, Wilton, 10 am-5 pm ###early buying Sat 8 am, Nov20), adm Nov8, 150 nat’l artists 12:23 A11/P11 artisans; 203-762-7257.Nov 11: 43rd Edition Greater Hartford Vintage Clothing 12:23 A11/P11 Jewelry Show 12:23 A11/P11 Sale, Emanuel Synagogue, Mohegan Dr, West Hartford, 10:30 am-4 pm, adm Nov5, 50 booths; 860-342-2540.Nov 17: Wethersfield Antiques Show, Pitkin Community Center, 30 Greenfield St, Wethersfield, 10 am-5 pm, adm Nov5 ###free parking; preview party Fri, Nov 16, 7-9:30 pm, adm Nov25), 38 New England dealers; 860-529-1333, 860-563-3215.Nov 17-18: 40th Annual Giant Valley Antiques Show, Miller Library Cultural Center, 2901 Dixwell Ave, Hamden, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 10 am-4 pm, adm Nov3 ###free parking), benefit for Hamden Hist Scty.550 Gallery, BCM Building, 550 Main St So, Bethlehem. Hours Sat-Sun 1-5 pm, Mon-Fri by appt. Call 203-266-6990.Through Nov 16, watercolors by CT artist Robert Noreika; Nov 16, watercolor demo by Mr Noreika, 4-8 pm.Beaux Arts Gallery, Barclay Square/16 Sherman Hill Rd, Woodbury. Hours: M-F 9:30 am-5:30 pm, Sat 9:30 am-4:30 pm, Sun by appt. Call 263-3939.Through Nov 10, “Public Connections,” new works by Virginia Zimmermann 12:23 A11/P11 Patricia Melvin.*###new show) Nov 13-Jan 10, “A Tapestry of One’s Own,” “dress form” images by Carey McDougall incl new series of childhood memories explored through birthday parties, and weavings by Paula Renee; Nov 17, opening reception, 4-6 pm. Bethel Arts Junction, 5 Depot Place, Bethel. Hours: Wed 12-4:30 pm, Thurs-Sat 12-9 pm, Sun 11 am-4 pm. Call 796-2193.Through Nov 18, “Traveling with An Artist’s Eye,” pastel works by ###Newtown artist) Dick McEvoy.Booth Library, 25 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10 am-8 pm, Fri 12-5 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 12-5 pm. Call 426-4533.Through Nov 21, “Shards of Time: Scenes From A Graphic Novel,” text 12:23 A11/P11 oversize panels/illustrations from 15-volume series of graphic novels in the works by Sandy Hook artist Mark Aldrich.Mattatuck Museum, 144 West Main St, Waterbury. Hours: Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 12-5 pm. Call 203-753-0381.Through Nov 18, “Images of Contentment: John Frederick Kensett and the Connecticut Shore,” shoreline paintings by one of the nation’s most loved landscape painters done ca 1867-1872 done on and of land owned by the artist, coupled w/ historic photos, maps 12:23 A11/P11 mariner’s charts, also examples of works by Vincent Colyer ###Kensett’s neighbor 12:23 A11/P11 fellow painter).Minor Memorial Library, 23 South St, Roxbury. Call 860-350-2181.*###new show) Nov 17-Dec 19, “Into The Woods,” recent pastel landscapes by Nancy White Cassidy; Nov 17, opening reception, 12-2 pm.Thirteen Gallery, 13 Library Place, Danbury. Hours: Tues-Fr 7-10 pm, Sat-Sun 12-4 pm, 12:23 A11/P11 by appt. Call 790-6754.*###new show) Nov 9-Dec 8, “Adam 12:23 A11/P11 Eve 12:23 A11/P11 Johnny Appleseed,” new paintings by Mary Dwyer which mix historical content 12:23 A11/P11 personal interpretation; Nov 9, opening reception, 7-10 pm.Walnut Hill Community Church/The Corner Gallery, 156 Walnut Hill Rd, Bethel. Call 796-7373.Through Nov 21, “Houses Where I Live,” watercolors and poetry by Marguerite Enslin. Also through Nov 21, wall hangings by award-winning quilter Marge Malwitz.Washington Art Association, Bryant Plaza, Washington Depot. Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm ###closed Wed), Sun 2-5 pm. Call 860-868-2878.Through Nov 15, “2001 Faculty Show,” works by faculty incl paintings, drawings, sculpture, prints, collage 12:23 A11/P11 mixed media.Harmony Grange Christmas Fair, Rte 110 at 111, Monroe. Call 268-4502.Dec 1: Openings for crafters available for fair, spaces Nov15 each, fair will run 9 am-4 pm, contact Dorothy Tierney at above 12 for details.Wilton Playshop, Lovers La, Wilton. Call 203-792-7699.Nov 18-19: Auditions for Wilder’s Our Town, 7 pm ###callbacks Nov 21), most featured 12:23 A11/P11 supporting roles open ###need 14-16 males, 7 females, plus extras), performances weekends Jan 25-Feb 9 incl one Sun mat, director is Richard Mancini.Nov 10: “A Salute to the Veterans,” WCSU’s Ives Concert Hall, 181 White St, Danbury, 8 pm, free performances of works by American music icons incl Glenn Miller, John P. Sousa 12:23 A11/P11 George Gershwin by WCSU Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Orchestra 12:23 A11/P11 Chamber Singers, national colors to be presented by Danbury high School ROTC Color Guard, audience singalong will conclude program; 837-8350.Nov 10: “A Musical Memorial benefit concert,” St Marguerites R.C. Church, Candlewood Alek Rd, Brookfield, 8-10 pm, suggested donation Nov20, featuring singer-songwriter-guitarist Kathleen Kruze, also jazz flutist Ali Ryerson, guitarist Joe Bouchard, violinist Richard Brooks, and many others, proceeds to benefit children of disaster victims.Nov 11: Organist Brian Jones at St John’s Church, Rte 47, Washington Green, 4 pm, tickets Nov15, works of Bach, Jongen, Mulet 12:23 A11/P11 arrangement of a Sousa march will be performed on church’s 34-rank Wicks Pipe Organ; 860-868-2527.Nov 14: “How ‘Suite’ It Is,” Yale Concert Band Fall Concert, Woolsey Hall, College at Grove St, New Haven, 8 pm, free adm ###no tickets required), works of Percy Grainger, Holst, Alfred Reed, Peter Mennin 12:23 A11/P11 Vivaldi; 203-432-4113.Nov 17: “An American Picnic,” Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 6-10 pm, adm Nov20 adults, Nov10 children, family rates available, pack a picnic supper 12:23 A11/P11 enjoy live music in variety of forms ###dance, vocals, instrumentals), also silent auction of photographs, prints, quilts, wreaths, more, all by professional 12:23 A11/P11 semi-professional musicians 12:23 A11/P11 artists, light refreshments, evening of remembrance 12:23 A11/P11 celebration organized by Newtown Music Studio will benefit children 12:23 A11/P11 families of Cantor-Fitzgerald; 270-8915.Nov 17: “3rd Annual Thanksgiving Concert: A Celebration of God’s Goodness,” St Paul’s Episcopal Church, 294 Main St South/Rte 6, Woodbury, 3 pm, free adm ###all donations accepted for The Joseph Byczko Fund 12:23 A11/P11 Wheels for the World), performances by professional 12:23 A11/P11 semi-professional performers incl vocalists, organists 12:23 A11/P11 accordion, post-concert reception; 203-266-5974.Nov 17: Pilgrim’s Progress at Community Coffeehouse, Madison Ave, Danbury, 7:30 pm, free adm ###freewill donations accepted), light refreshments available, performance by Pennsylvania-based group made up of 4 siblings will help coffeehouse celebrate its 10th anniv 12:23 A11/P11 100th show; 748-4972.Nov 17: “Habeas Chorus… or, Tell It To The Judge,” concert by YankeeMaid Chorus of Sweet Adelines International, Shelton High School, Shelton, 8 pm, tickets Nov15 adults, Nov12 seniors, Nov10 ages 12 12:23 A11/P11 under, performance has chorus “visiting” set of television show, during which time show’s star is murdered but “show must go on,” partial proceeds from tickets, refreshments 12:23 A11/P11 raffle will benefit Operation Hope in Fairfield, The Anna Fund, and NYC relief efforts; 203-380-8230, 203-783-1325.Nov 17: The Tito Puento Orchestra w/ guest virtuoso jazz flutist Dave Valentin, Ives Concert Hall, 181 White St, Danbury, 8 pm, tickets Nov25/advance, Nov35/door, performance by jazz orchestra shaped 12:23 A11/P11 guided for 40 years by the late Tito Puente will incl Latin jazz interspersed w/ mambo, salta 12:23 A11/P11 cha-cha; 825-3131.Nov 17: The High Road at Keeler Tavern Museum, 132 Main St/Rte 35, Ridgefield, 8 pm, tickets Nov12 ###incl refreshments), performance by Vermont trio that performs clean, catchy, smooth sounds of Scotland, Brittany 12:23 A11/P11 Cape Breton; 203-438-5485.Nov 18: CT Master Chorale “Holiday Prelude Concert,” St Mary’s Church, Rte 302, Bethel, 3 pm, tickets Nov12/advance, Nov15/door, 55-voice chorus will be accompanied by CT Master Chorale Orchestra 12:23 A11/P11 pianist Joseph Jacovino for holiday selections, also African 12:23 A11/P11 Hanukkah selections; 743-0473.Nov 18: “Afternoon at the Pops: An American Salute,” Colorado Brewery, 6 Delay St ###in CityCenter district), Danbury, 3 pm, tickets Nov30 12:23 A11/P11 Nov50, performance by Danbury Pops Band will feature light, tuneful, patriotic 12:23 A11/P11 other American classics in informal cabaret setting, fundraiser for Danbury Music Centre; 748-1716.Nov 18: Pianist Sergei Vladimiroff at Connecticut Conservatory of the Performing Arts, 79 West St, New Milford, 3 pm, free adm, works of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin 12:23 A11/P11 Liszt perfrmed by Mr Vladimiroff continues school’s Yamaha Salon Series; 860-354-2978.Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 258 Main St, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-4519.Aldrich After Hours concert series, 7-9 pm, Nov20 ###series tickets available, reservations required), light refreshments: Stage A Performance, eclectic music 12:23 A11/P11 multi-media series showcase, performances 7 pm, tickets Nov30: Nov 16, The Gonzalo Rubalcaba Trio, **performances 7 and 9:30.Armstrong Chamber Concerts. Call 860-868-0522.Performances at First Congregational Church, Rte 47/On the Green, Washington, concerts Sat 5 pm, Nov20 ###series tickets available): Nov 10, performance by violinist Helen Armstrong, violist Louise Schulman, cellist Robert deMaine 12:23 A11/P11 pianist Kazuko Hayami, works of Beethoven, Martinu 12:23 A11/P11 Fauré.Chamber Music Society at Yale, performances at Battell Chapel, College 12:23 A11/P11 Elm St ###opposite green), New Haven. Call 203-432-4159.Performances 8 pm, single tickets Nov24-Nov29 regular concerts, Nov12 bonus concerts, season tickets available: Nov 13, The Tokyo String Quartet ###Yale’s artists in residence) w/ guest violist Jesse Levine, all-Brahms program.Ives Concert Hall at WCSU, White Hall, Fifth Ave 12:23 A11/P11 White St, Danbury. Call 837-8350.Performances 8 pm, free unless otherwise noted: Nov 10, “A Salute to the Veterans,” free performance of selections by American musical icons incl Miller, Sousa 12:23 A11/P11 Gershwin by WCSU Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Orchestra 12:23 A11/P11 Chamber Singers, national colors to be presented by Danbury High School ROTC Color Guard, audience singalong will conclude concert.Keeler Tavern Museum, 132 Main St, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-5485.Nov 17, The High Road, 8 pm, tickets Nov12 ###incl refreshments), performance by Vermont trio that performs clean, catchy, smooth sounds of Scotland, Brittany 12:23 A11/P11 Cape Breton.2001-02 Louise McKeon Chamber Series, tickets Nov15 adults, Nov12 seniors 12:23 A11/P11 students, Nov10 ages 12 12:23 A11/P11 under ###series tickets Nov50), reception follows performances: Nov 11, The Tourmaline String Quartet.Next Stop Café, 102 Greenwood Ave, Bethel. Call 730-9940.Acoustic blues, 7-10 pm, free adm ###unless noted), reservations sugg: Nov 9, Paul Geremia, Nov12, acoustic country blues; Nov 10, Fifty Percent Blues Band, Nov6, 6-member band plays eclectic collection of 12-bar blues, country blues, rock 12:23 A11/P11 blues, cow jazz, railroad blues, hula blues 12:23 A11/P11 other on guitar, slide, fiddle, piano, harmonica, mandolin 12:23 A11/P11 “significant harmony.”Norwalk Youth Symphony, Norwalk Concert Hall, 125 East Ave, Norwalk. Call 203-866-4100.Nov 17, 45th season opener concert, 8 pm, tickets Nov12 adults, Nov7 students 12:23 A11/P11 seniors, performances by Principal Orchestra ###works of Shostakovitch 12:23 A11/P11 Borodin), Intermediate Concert Orchestra ###tribute to Stanley Kubrick, also works of Strauss 12:23 A11/P11 Holst) 12:23 A11/P11 Chamber Orchestras ###works of Telemann, Avison, Rimsky-Korsakov 12:23 A11/P11 Bach). Philharmonia Orchestra of Yale, Woolsey Hall/Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St, New Haven. Music conductor 12:23 A11/P11 director is Lawrence Leighton Smith. Call 203-432-4157.Performances 8 pm, free unless indicated ###free pre-concert conversations w/ conductors 12:23 A11/P11 other special guests, 7 pm, Parker Hall ###435 College St, 4th floor): Nov 9, guest conductor Jesse Levine, guest cellist Cecilia Lee, works of Copland, Schumann 12:23 A11/P11 Tchaikovsky.Bethel Cinema, 269 Greenwood Ave, Bethel. Call 778-2100.Nov 9-15: Focus ###PG-13), daily 7 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1pm; The Man Who Wasn’t There ###R), daily 7:10 12:23 A11/P11 9:35 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1:30 12:23 A11/P11 3:50 pm; Mulholland Drive ###R), daily 9:15 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 3:30 pm; My Life As A House ###R), daily 6:45 12:23 A11/P11 9:25 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1 12:23 A11/P11 4 pm; Shallow Hal ###PG-13), daily 7:20 12:23 A11/P11 9:45 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1:20 12:23 A11/P11 3:40 pm.Booth Library, 25 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown. Call 426-4533.Nov 18, Harry, un Ami quo Vous Veut Bien ###Harry, A Friend Who Wishes You Well), 2 pm, free screening of film in French w/ English subtitles will be hosted by Alliance Française of Northwestern CT.Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. Call 426-2475.Nov 9-15: Pearl Harbor ###PG-13), daily 7 pm, mat Sat-Mon 1 pm.Ridgefield Library, 472 Main St, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-2282. Hollister Film Series, free screenings, 1 12:23 A11/P11 7 pm, evening screenings followed by discussion w/ film buff 12:23 A11/P11 theater director David Bass: November is “Camp Out” Month, with 2 inspired flicks about B-movie directors   Nov 13, Ed Wood; Nov 27, Bowfinger. Yale Center for British Art, 1080 Chapel St ###at High St), New Haven. Call 203-432-2800.“British Film: American Favorites” series, screenings 2 pm, free: Nov 10, This Sporting Life; Nov 17, The Go-Between.Yale University Art Gallery, Chapel St at York, New Haven. Call 23-432-0600.Myer Myers’s America series, free screenings, 2:30 pm: Nov 11, Johnny Tremain ###1957); Nov 18, The Last of the Mohicans ###1992). Nov 10: “Leaf Hunt,” Highstead Arboretum, 127 Lonetown Rd, Redding, 10 am, Nov5, parents 12:23 A11/P11 children ###all ages welcome) invited to learn to identify native trees while sharing an outdoor adventure, reservations required; 203-938-8809.Nov 17: The Annual Elves Fair, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 10 am-3 pm, free adm, handmade natural gifts, children’s activities, children’s Secret Shopper room, puppet shows 12:23 A11/P11 The Pocket Man, dolls 12:23 A11/P11 clothing, pottery, Mother Earth dolls, more, also healthy gourmet lunch offerings, presented by 12:23 A11/P11 fundraiser for Housatonic Valley Waldorf School; 364-1113.Barnes 12:23 A11/P11 Noble Booksellers, Danbury Square, 15 Backus Ave, Danbury. Call 730-2733.Free public programs: ###week of Nov 2-11 is store’s 10th anniv celebration) Nov 10, The Cat In the Hat Visits the Hat City, 7 pm, meet Cat in the Hat during story time, also free Cat in the Hat posters ###limited supply); Nov 10, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Golden Ticket Contest, all day, 400 Godiva choclate bars available for purchase, 5 of which will have Nov25 gift cards inside; Nov 11, Hat City’s Mad Hatter Tea Party for Kids, 2 pm, ages 3-6 invited to tea party featuring characters from Alice in Wonderland, registration required.Beardsley Zoological Gardens, 1875 Noble Ave, Bridgeport. Call 203-394-6565.Nov 11, Nat’l Recycling Day, 12-3 pm, join zoo’s youth volunteers ###Explorer Post 80) in recycling projects, games 12:23 A11/P11 crafts, learn how everyone can have positive impact on the environment.Polka Dot Playhouse, 177 State St, Bridgeport. Call 203-333-3666.Polka Dot Kids Theatre Series, monthly series w/ guest performers, shows at 10:30 am 12:23 A11/P11 1 pm, Nov12/show ###series tickets 12:23 A11/P11 discounts abvailable): Nov 17, performance by The Gizmo Guys, juggling 12:23 A11/P11 comedy wrapped around old-fashioned family entertainment.Nov 9: Brookfield Philatelic Society meeting, Brookfield Community Center, Pocono Rd, Brookfield, begins 7:30 pm ###open to non-members), swap meet, silent auction, sale of club stamps 12:23 A11/P11 circuit books, information 12:23 A11/P11 advice sharing; 792-0341.Nov 9-11: SCAN Holiday Art Show 12:23 A11/P11 Sale, Newtown Meeting House ###lower level), 31 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, daily 10 am-5 pm ###opening reception Fri, 6-8 pm), free adm, framed paintings 12:23 A11/P11 portfolios by Society of Creative Arts of Newtown members, most works available for purchase.Nov 9-11: Annual St Rose Christmas Craft Fair, St Rose Parish Hall, 46 Church Hill Rd, Newtown, Fri 6-10 pm, Sat 10 am-4 pm, Sun 10 am-2 pm, works by professional artisans, also homemade baked goods, hot food 12:23 A11/P11 refreshments, photos w/ Santa, children’s games, more.Nov 9-11: “Connecticut Artists at Old Town Hall,” Old Town Hall, Mountain Rd at Rte 6/Main St South, Woodbury, 10 am-6 pm daily ###reception Sat 3-6 pm, public welcome, many artists participating), works by 30+ award-winning artists from across state w/ pcs in art, pottery, jewelry 12:23 A11/P11 glass, sponsored by Fine Line Gallery ###Sherman Village, 682 Main St South, which will also be presenting special weekend show); 203-266-0110.Nov 10: 24th Annual SVFA Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar, Center Firehosue, Main St South, Southbury, 9 am-3 pm, free adm, 40+ vendors w. quality crafts incl wooden toys 12:23 A11/P11 woodcrafts, wall hangings, floral arrangements, jewelry, ceramics, candles, more, lunch, baked goods, Santa ###10 am-noon 12:23 A11/P11 12:30-2).Nov 10: Monroe Women’s Club 17th Annual “Country Treasures” Professional Craft Show, Masuk High School, Rte 111, Monroe, 10 am-4 pm, adm Nov4, Nov3 seniors; 268-0143.Nov 10-Dec 31: Annual Brookfield Craft Center Holiday Arts 12:23 A11/P11 Crafts Sale, BCC campus, 286 Whisconier Rd/Rte 25, Brookfield, Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 12-5 pm, free adm, unique handcrafted gifts by 200+ America’s leading artisans incl heirloom quality ornaments, jewelry, wearables, decorative designer craftwork, more; 775-4526.Nov 11: Danbury Coin Club Coin Show, Ramada Inn, Newtown Rd/Rte 6, Danbury, 10 am-4 pm, free adm, 33 tables w/ dealers from Northeast, info 12:23 A11/P11 appraisal services also available; 746-7531.Nov 11: Miniatures 12:23 A11/P11 Dollhouse Accessories Show 12:23 A11/P11 Sale, Ethan Allen Inn, Mill Plain Rd, Danbury, 10 am-4 pm, adm Nov4.50, age 12 12:23 A11/P11 under Nov2, builders 12:23 A11/P11 vendors of accessories from New England, PA, NY, MJ 12:23 A11/P11 MD participating; 386-445-2853, 744-1776 ###inn).Nov 11: PHD’s Fall Psychic Fair, Radisson Hotel, Mill Plain Rd ###next to Super Stop 12:23 A11/P11 Shop), Danbury, 11 am-6 pm, free adm, readings by area psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, tarot 12:23 A11/P11 gemstone readers, vendors, special guest energy balancer Jean Hacker; 792-2939.Nov 11: Open Turret Day at Military Museum of Southern New England, 125 Park Ave, Danbury, noon-5 pm, adm Nov4 adults, Nov2 seniors, children ages 6-18 12:23 A11/P11 active military members, visitors allowed to climb inside museum’s armored military vehicles, also incl museum adm; 790-9277.Nov 13: Roger Sherman chapter DAR meeting, Trinity Lutheran Church, 107 Kent Rd/Rte 7, New Milford, business luncheon 12:23 A11/P11 meeting begin 11:30 am, program 1 pm, public invited to view slide presentation/documentary by Robert Bethelson on “The Badge of Military Merit Purple Heart of the American Revolution,” program follows 26-yr-old Sgt Elijah Churchill of East Windsor, member of Fourth Troop CT Regiment of Light Dragoons; 860-354-5521.Nov 14: “Danbury’s Civil War Infantry Company 12:23 A11/P11 The Battle of Gettysburg,” South Street School, Danbury, 7-9 pm, Nov5 ###reservations required), program by Dale Call will offer in-depth study into actions of 17th Connecticut Infantry Co 12:23 A11/P11 its role in Battle of Gettysburg; 743-5200.Nov 14: “An Evening with the Masters: Michael Whelan,” New Milford High School ###Lecture Hall Room 2325), Rte 7, New Milford, 7:15-9 pm, free, program by speculative/science fiction illustrator Michael Whelan, hosted by Housatonic Art League, New Milford Commission on the Arts 12:23 A11/P11 The Waterbury Foundation; 210-1775, 860-354-7558.Nov 15: Winterset Ski Club Kick-Off Event, Sandy Hook Fire 12:23 A11/P11 Rescue Hall, 18 Riverside Rd, Sandy Hook, 7-10 pm, all current members and anyone interested in club invited to enjoy raffles, club information incl upcoming trips, demos on winter sports physical fitness, also newest in boots 12:23 A11/P11 equipment, refreshments; 270-0431, 426-5272.Nov 15: Flagpole Photographers Club meeting, C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 7:30 pm, free 12:23 A11/P11 open to non-members, program by Paul Hanson on “Farms and Barns,” members’ competition to follow; 270-1943, 426-0558.Nov 16-17: Annual Christmas Fair, St John the Baptist Church, 364 Mill Hill Ave, Bridgeport, Fri 5-9 pm, Sat 10:30 am-4 pm, free adm 12:23 A11/P11 parking, boutiques offerings handcrafted items, religious store, chinese auction, ice cream parlor, holiday crafts 12:23 A11/P11 gingerbread house workshops for children, Slavic 12:23 A11/P11 American foods featured; 203-334-5932.Nov 17: 11th Annual Elves’ Fair, Edmond Town Hall, 25 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 10 am-3 pm, free adm, Elves’ Workshop, Papa Elves’ Wooden Toys, The Pocket Man, children’s gifts, natural materials handcrafts, live music, gourmet natural foods luncheon, presented by 12:23 A11/P11 fundraiser for Housatonic Valley Waldorf School; 364-1113.Nov 17: “Boutique 2001: Buttons and Bows,” First Congregational Church, 40 DeForest St, Watertown, 9:30 am-3 pm, Christmas boutique by church’s women’s fellowship will offer decorations 12:23 A11/P11 ornaments, silent auction, hand-knit 12:23 A11/P11 hand-sewn goods, also wooden items, children’s room, snacks 12:23 A11/P11 lunch, etc; 860-274-3317, 860-274-6737.Nov 17: Country Holiday Bazaar, St Patrick Church, Rte 317, Roxbury, 10 am-2 pm, free adm ###non-perishable food donations sought for “Giving Tree”), homemade apple pies 12:23 A11/P11 other baked goods, white elephant table, raffles, photos w/ Santa, refreshments; 860-355-3456.Nov 17: Annual Holiday Crafts 12:23 A11/P11 Collectibles Fair, Woodlake Clubhouse, Clubhouse Dr, Woodbury, 10 am-3 pm, free adm, work 12:23 A11/P11 collections from crafters across the state incl crafts 12:23 A11/P11 collectibles, fresh wreaths, pet treats, also photos w/ Santa, baked goods sale, refreshment stand, 50-50 raffle ###proceeds to Woodbury Cmmty Services for “Adopt-A-Family” program); 203-263-4059.Nov 17: Holy Trinity’s Annual Holiday Craft 12:23 A11/P11 Bake Sale Fair, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Eighth 12:23 A11/P11 Roberts Aves, Danbury, 10 am-3 pm, homemade pierogies, nut rolls, Russian tea cookies 12:23 A11/P11 other baked goods, also imported craft items incl Russian nesting dolls, lacquer boxes, embroidered Slovakian linens 12:23 A11/P11 more, lunch available; 748-0671. Nov 17: Tellabration11, Bethel Public Library, 189 Greenwood Ave/Rte 302, Bethel, 6-8 pm, free adm, humorous tales, folklore 12:23 A11/P11 stories that touch the heart will be presented by Marty Bishop, Lauren Goodman, Lesley Keogh, Maryclaire Quine, Grant Smith, Sam Young 12:23 A11/P11 surprise guests, suitable for all ages ###see details in next listing); 794-8756.Nov 17: Tellabration11, New Milford Public Library, 24 Main St, New Milford, begins 8 pm, tickets Nov7/advance, Nov10/door, stories will be told by Carol Birch, Kevin Brooks, Shari Lynn, Laura Packer, Joyce Marie Rayno, Valerie Tutson, 9-yr-old Sidney Kochman, others, evening will be signed for deaf 12:23 A11/P11 hearing impaired, suitable for all ages, annual program is part of international event w/ similar programs occuring simultaneously in 41 states 12:23 A11/P11 16 countries; 264-4447, 860-350-2246.Barnes and Noble Booksellers, Brass City Mall, 235 Union St, Waterbury. Call 203-759-7125.Open mike plus featured poet 3rd Fri/month, call for start time: Nov 16, Eileen Albrizio, host WPNR’s “All Things Considered” 12:23 A11/P11 network correspondent, lifelong CT resident co-owns w/ husband comic book store in Rocky Hill called Heroes 12:23 A11/P11 Hitters.Barnes 12:23 A11/P11 Noble Booksellers, Danbury Square, 15 Backus Ave, Danbury. Call 730-2733.Free programs: Nov 11, Mad Hatter Tea Party for Adults, 3 pm, performance by members of Danbury High School’s Theater Production Class of A Mad Tea Party in the Hat City will be followed by cutting of book store’s 10th anniv cake ###see related children’s event, 2 pm same afternoon, above).Bent of the River Audubon Center, 185 East Flat Hill Rd, Southbury. Call 264-5098.Free programs unless noted, reservations requested, call any time weather is questionable: Nov 17, “Three Outlook Hike,” 1 pm, John Longstreth ###center’s director) will lead hikers to 3 outlooks on grounds of center, 2 of which are brand-new, approx 2½ hours, bring binoculars 12:23 A11/P11 water, wear sturdy waterproof shoes.Bethel Public Library, 189 Greenwood Ave, Bethel. Call 794-8756.Free programs: Nov 13, discussion of T. Coraghessan Boyle’s The Tortilla Curtain, 7:30 pm, continues library’s “Men Can Write, Too” series.CT Contacts, New Haven. Call 203-468-1144.Dances each Fr @Pinecrest Country Club, 745 River Rd/Rte 110, Shelton, 8 pm-1 am, Nov13, no jeans/sneakers. Dances Sat @Colonial Tavern, Rte 67, Oxford, 8:30 pm-1 am, Nov13, no jeans/sneakers, themes as follows: Nov 16, regular dance party @Pinecrest Country Club. Devil’s Den Preserve, 33 Pent Rd, Weston. Call 226-4991.All events free, reservations required: Nov 13, adult hike, 1-3 pm, late fall ramble will be led by natural history guides; Nov 17, “Barberry Attack,” 1-4 pm, group effort needs volunteers to remove invasive Japnese barberry from east side of preserve, volunteers will learn how to identify plant 12:23 A11/P11 remove using Weed Wrench, no experience necessary.Flagpole Photographers, C.H. Booth Library meeting room, 25 Main St, Newtown. Call 270-1943, 426-0558.Meetings 3rd Thurs/month, 7:30 pm, non-members always welcome: Nov 15, program on “Farms 12:23 A11/P11 Barns” by Paul Hanson, members’ competition “open prints” to follow.Newtown Hikers. Call 426-2897, 270-4340.Hikes leave from lower lot @Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main St, Newtown, 9 am, free, all welcome, bring bag lunch/beverage, wear sturdy shoes, destinations as follows ###call hike leader if weather doubtful): Nov 10, Middlebury Hike/Bike Trail ###Ester Nichols, 426-2897); Nov 17, Salisbury Appalachian Trail ###Rita Qubik, 268-4119).Newtown Scottish Country Dancers, sessions at Hawley School, 29 Church Hill Rd, Newtown. Call 203-938-2881.Group meets each Mon 7 pm for weekly dancing 12:23 A11/P11 instruction, soft-soled shoes required, all levels of dancers welcome, partners not required, affiliated w/ Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in Edinburgh, Scotland.Newtown VNA Thrift Shop, Edmond Town Hall ###lower level), 45 Main Street, Newtown. Call 270-4377.Shop is open every Wed 12-3 pm 12:23 A11/P11 Sat 9 am-noon, access is from town hall’s back parking lot ###separate door for thrift shop), shop carries discounted items from local businesses 12:23 A11/P11 private donors incl clothing 12:23 A11/P11 sm home accessories, etc.Quick Center for the Arts, at Fairfield Univ, North Benson Rd, Fairfield. Call 203-254-4010.Open Visions Forum Series, lectures by guest speakers, tickets Nov15, Nov10 seniors, Nov5 students: Nov 12, former US ambassador to United Nations Richard Holbrooke, 7:30 pm, program will concern the art of negotiation in both business 12:23 A11/P11 diplomatic settings.Society of Creative Arts of Newtown, Inc. ###SCAN), Newtown Meeting House, Main St, Newtown. Call 426-6654.Nov 9-11, SCAN Holiday Art Show 12:23 A11/P11 Sale, Newtown Meeting House, daily 10 am-5 pm ###opening reception Fri, 6-8 pm), free adm, framed paintings 12:23 A11/P11 portfolios by SCAN members, most works available for purchase.Meetings 2nd Wed/month, 7:30 pm, public welcome, artist demonstrations, refreshments: Nov 14, watercolor landscape demo by Richard Ochs.Wednesday Night Poetry Series, Bethel Arts Junction, 5 Depot Place ###in former railroad station bldg), Bethel. Call 426-3388 ###Faith Vicinanza), 270-6202 ###Michael Seri), 748-2828 ###BAJ).Series presented ev Wed 7:30-10 pm ###doors open 7 pm, featured poets 8:30 pm, poetry workshop 9:15 pm), adm Nov1 ###Nov3 if out-of-state or major guest poet), guest/featured poets as follows: Nov 14, Christime Palm, charismatic 12:23 A11/P11 wonderful poet 12:23 A11/P11 prose writer, author of 5 books, freelance writer, reporter 12:23 A11/P11 editorial writer, more; Nov 21, Thanksgiving Open Mic.Berkshire Theater ###at WCSU), midtown campus, Danbury. Call 837-8732.Anything Goes, through Nov 17, curtain Wed-Sat 8 pm, tickets Nov15 ###presented by WCSU’s dept of communication 12:23 A11/P11 theatre arts).Center for the Performing Arts at Sacred Heart University, 5151 Park Ave, Fairfield. Call 203-365-7541, 203-371-7908.Man of La Mancha, Nov 18, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, mat Sun 3 pm, tickets Nov17-Nov20.Country Players of Brookfield, Rte 25 ###next to library), Brookfield Center, Call 775-0023.You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown, Nov 9-Dec 1, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, mat ###Sun) Nov 18 at 2:30, tickets Nov10.Long Wharf Theatre, 222 Sargent Dr, New Haven. Call 203-787-4282.Mainstage: The Waverly Gallery, Nov 13-Dec 16, curtain Sun 12:23 A11/P11 Tues 7 pm, Wed-Fri 8 pm, Sat 4 12:23 A11/P11 8:30 pm, mat Sat 4 pm, Sun 2 pm, tickets Nov15-Nov45, group discounts; no performances Nov 21-22 ###Thanksgiving); Nov 15, Theatre 101, 7 pm, pre-show “crash course” on the world of theater; Nov 19, Pay-What-You-Can performance, 8 pm ###only Mon performance); call for additional special programs.On Stage II: The Good Thief, through Nov 18, curtain Tues 12:23 A11/P11 Sun 7 pm, Wed-Fri 8 pm, Sat 8:30 pm, mat Sat  pm, Sun  pm, tickets Nov15-Nov45; Nov 13, Talkback Tuesdays, post-performance discussions w/ actors, directors and/or designers focusing on play’s topics.Square One Theatre Company, Stratford Theatre, 2422 Main St, Stratford. Call 203-375-8778.The Countess, Nov 9-Dec 1 ###no performances Thanksgiving weekend), curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, mat Sat ###Dec 1 only) at 4 pm, Sun ###Nov 11 12:23 A11/P11 18 only) 2 pm, tickets Nov15 adults, Nov14 seniors 12:23 A11/P11 students.Town Players of Newtown, Little Theatre, theatre is on Orchard Hill Rd ###mailing address is PO Box 211), Newtown. Call 270-9144.The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, through Nov 24, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, mat Sun ###Nov 18 only) 2 pm, tickets Nov10.*******************Events that appear by date have Newtown events listed first, with additional events listed by their start time. At the time of printing, the information here is accurate as presented; a call ahead is always a good idea to be safe.DEADLINE INFORMATIONPress releases for the Enjoy calendar of events or the Enjoy section must be received by MONDAY NOON for publication in that week’s edition of The Newtown Bee. Send to the attention of Shannon Hicks, Arts Editor, Newtown Bee, 5 Church Hill Road, Newtown 06470, or to shannon@thebee.com. Photos are welcome and can be black 12:23 A11/P11 white or color prints; please call for details concerning photo files to be emailed.

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