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A Day For Celebrating Children



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A Day For Celebrating Children

DANBURY — Children in the greater Danbury area can join communities around the country when they voice their wishes, hopes, and dreams for the future on April 26, when they celebrate the Third Annual El Día de los Niños (Children’s Day) at the CityCenter Green from 1 to 4 pm.

Danbury Children First, The Girl Scouts Council of Southwestern Connecticut, MCCA, The Wiggins Institute for Social Integrity, the Hispanic Center, and the Ecuadorian Civic Center invite the community to celebrate, for the third year in a row in Danbury and in Connecticut, a holiday that has been observed in many cities nationwide since April 30, 1998.

The traditional Latin American holiday is a day for parents, families, and communities to value and uplift children of all cultures in the United States. The celebration provides a means for families and the larger society to communicate and become aware of the status of children. It also empowers the community to act on behalf of its children through the year.

This year, Danbury Children First along with Mayor Mark Boughton, several community agencies and an expected crowd of 350 families will celebrate El Día de los Niños with many activities including face painting, traditional Milagros, mask making, and more.

Entertainment will be provided by the Ecuadorian Civic Center, The Wiggins Institute, Danbury High School ROTC, and a musical performance from South America. Thanks to generous donations made by Crystal Rock, Lectorum Publishers and the Woman’s Club of Danbury/New Fairfield, all the children will receive free giveaways.

The day is free to the public; food will not be sold at the event so that people attending can take advantage of the wide variety of restaurants available in the downtown Danbury area. The rain date for El Día de los Niños is Saturday, May 3, at the same time and location.

Danbury Children First can be reached by calling 797-8088 or visiting www.DanburyChildrenFirst.org.

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