Poet/Essayist To Speak AtAAUW Spring Breakfast
Poet/Essayist To Speak At
AAUW Spring Breakfast
The Bridgeport Area Branch of American Association of University Women (AAUW) will host a spring buffet breakfast at Fireside Inn on Saturday, May 3, at 8:30 am.
The event is the third in a series of fundraisers for the Leonette Warburton Wishard AAUW International Fellowship, an award initiated in honor of Mrs Wishardâs 100th birthday and her exemplary life of teaching and supporting women and girls. Â Mrs Wishard, a longtime member of AAUW, will say the blessing before the breakfast.
The featured speaker will be poet/essayist Polly Brody, whose lecture will concern the creative process, poetry readings, and the evolution of a poem. Â Ms Brody, a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and Southern Connecticut State College, is a lifelong Connecticut resident and has traveled in Europe, East Africa, Australia, and South America. Â She has been published in more than forty literary journals and is the recipient of many writing awards.
A few copies of her book Other Nations: Poems by Polly Brody will be available for purchase.
To register for the breakfast, send your name, address, phone number, and a check for $25 payable to Bridgeport Area Branch AAUW to Sylvia Dahl, 55 Lola Street, Fairfield, CT 06432 by April 25. Please note that $10 of each registration will be donated to the Leonette Wishard Endowed Fellowship.