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Middle School Celebration Marks New Roof Completion



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Middle School Celebration

Marks New Roof Completion

By Eliza Hallabeck

“On time” and “under budget” were used repeatedly during the opening remarks for Newtown Middle School’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held on Monday, October 17.

The event marked the official end to the summer’s NMS roof project. The $4.2 million project was overseen by New Britain-based Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc, and Silktown Roofing, Inc, of Manchester.

For the ribbon cutting ceremony, local officials and students gathered on the school’s front lawn facing the Queen Street school.

“What a pleasure it is for me to welcome you this morning to our official ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of our beautiful new roof,” said Newtown Middle School Principal Diane Sherlock, a white ribbon strung up across the school’s front doors behind her.

When Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson spoke, she said having an excellent school system is not only about curriculum and instruction, but also about having a safe environment for students.

“We are so pleased that our town fathers came together and understood the need for this roof at the school to make this a great, healthy, safe environment for our students and teachers,” Dr Robinson said.

Dr Robinson thanked the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, the Legislative Council, “and all the other individuals who let their voices be heard to help make this a possibility.”

Having the Public Building and Site Commission working throughout the project with Kaestle Boos and Silktown Roofing also contributed, Dr Robinson said, to making it a “delightful project.”

During her comments, First Selectman Pat Llodra said she was worried roughly six months back for the project, but, “In the end though, I always do have confidence in Newtown.”

“Our processes may be laborious, and our deliberations very time consuming, but we usually do end up in the right place,” said Mrs Llodra.

Mrs Llodra also said she was pleased to be celebrating the end of worries concerning wet floors and unhealthy settings for students and staff.

“The building looks great now,” said Mrs Llodra, “like a new hat on an old lady. It looks renewed and reinvigorated, ready to tackle legions more of middle school learners to come.”

Mrs Llodra also gave her special thanks to Chuck Boos, the principal of Kaestle Boos, for his attention to the project, which she associated with keeping the project “on time” and “under budget.”

Board of Education Chair William Hart also spoke at the ceremony.

“Newtown Middle School is probably the most interesting building we have in our district,” said Mr Hart at the opening of his remarks. “Over its many years it has accumulated a number of wings and sections that give it a unique character that I know our children love.”

That same characteristic, Mr Hart continued, also gave the school district challenges over the years with the design of the roof.

“I think this is one of the most outstanding projects we have seen in recent years in this town,” said Mr Hart. “It started with hard work from a lot of people.”

With a limited schedule and surviving Tropical Storm Irene in the last stretch of the project, Mr Hart said the roof project may stand as an example for projects in the future.

In her closing remarks before the ribbon was cut, Ms Sherlock said this time last year she received “depressing comments” from those who doubted the project could be completed over the summer.

“Guess what? Those dire predictions never came true,” Ms Sherlock said. “And the reason really has to do with the outstanding work done by so many.”

Another secret to having the project completed on time, Ms Sherlock said, was the workers for Kaestle Boos and Silktown Roofing, while many were not local residents, worked hard over the summer to complete the project for Newtown’s students.

“They were working from dawn until dusk, six days every week, for our kids,” Ms Sherlock said. “On behalf of those kids, many of whom are standing behind us, my very warmest thanks.”

At the end of the ceremony, Ms Sherlock, John Donnery of Silktown Roofing, and Dr Robinson held the ribbon as Mrs Llodra made the cut to officially mark the completion of the roof project.

A video from the event is available with this story at www.newtownbee.com.

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