To the Editor:
To the Editor:
During the course of four years, I had the pleasure to work with an outstanding volunteer in our school system, Lillian Bittman. The purpose of my letter today is to endorse Lillian in her bid to win election to the Board of Education. Lillian was appointed to serve on the BOE last June, filling a recently vacated seat. She is a proven asset to the school community and to our community as a whole, as she brings to the table a strong voice for communication, cooperation, and reason. She stands ready to make the tough decisions necessary to effect growth and change, while respecting the will of the townspeople.
Lillianâs focus is, as it has been for a decade, the strength and integrity of our schools and their ability to provide a quality learning experience for our children. Her dedication to our students has never been in question. She has spent, and continues to spend, countless hours developing and running an extracurricular journalism program that broadens their horizons and offers them an unparalleled creative outlet.
Lillian Bittmanâs resume speaks for itself. Her success in leadership roles, whether at IBM, strategic city planning, or owning and operating her own magazine, is evidence of her skills, talents, intelligence, and determination. Lillian has a vision for our town that involves communication and cooperation. She is committed to listening to the will of the community, and working diligently to the betterment of us all.
Please consider voting for Lillian Bittman, and allowing her to continue the work she has begun.
Thank you.
Jackie zVon
4 Rockywood Drive, Sandy Hook                              October 24, 2007