Local Residents To Welcome Rossiter For Encore Author Program
UPDATE (Monday, November 20, 2017): This story has been updated to reflect the proper hosts of this event.
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On Saturday, December 2, from 2 to 4 pm, Newtown Country Club will host a Meet the Author & Tea.
Nan Rossiter, a
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, will be the afternoon's special guest. The event will run from 2 to 4.
Admission is $20 which includes tea, scones, sandwiches, and desserts.
Ms Rossiter will have copies of her books available to purchase at the event.
The last time Nan Rossiter (on the left in the Judy Roentel photo above, with Marie Sturdevant) visited Newtown for an author program, in February 2016,ÃÂ nearly three dozen residents braved a snowstorm in order to meet and enjoy a light lunch with the Connecticut resident.
Ms Sturdevant and Wendy Molloy, who have invited the author for another visit, are hoping for better weather, and even more guests, for this year's program.
Reservations are due by Saturday, November 25. They can be made by calling Ms Sturdevant at 203-740-2733 orÃÂ Ms Molly at 203-209-9476.
Newtown Country Club is at 2 Country Club Road.
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