Son Games A Success
Son Games A Success
To the Editor:
I would like to take this time to thank the many children (160) and their parents for participating in the St Rose Vacation Bible School the week of July 12. We had 40 youth volunteers and approximately 30 adult volunteers unselfishly give their time to insure that the children were not only learning the importance of teamwork but also the significance of being one of Godâs most valuable team members while using the Olympics as a median for learning. The week was a success and Iâm grateful for all their support.
I would also like to thank the local merchants who donated goods: Bagel Delight, Dunkinâ Donuts, Big Y, Stop & Shop, My Place Pizza, and Costco. Without the support of these wonderful businesses our week would not have been so successful.
The Newtown Congregational Church will be hosting the Ecumenical Vacation Bible School which is initially the same program next week August 2. Call for possible openings.
Once again thank you to those who helped make this week such a blessing.
Heliett Sanchez
St Rose Vacation Bible School Coordinator
40 Church Hill Road, Newtown                                     July 28, 2004