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Holiday Generosity



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Holiday Generosity

The following letter to the members of The Gym at Newtown has been received for publication.

Dear Members:

We have always known that you were generous, patient, and goodhearted people just from our day-to-day interactions with you. Often people comment about the familylike atmosphere here at the club and about how kind and friendly everyone here is. However, during this past holiday season, you went far above and beyond simple kindness. Last year, we ran a toy drive for a local family in need of some Christmas cheer, and the box we put out for gifts was soon filled with all sorts of treats.

This year, we decided to make things a bit more personal by talking to two local shelters for homeless families and getting wish lists for each person currently residing there. When we put the first names of the recipients along with gift ideas that they suggested for themselves on cards and hung these on our Christmas tree, we weren’t sure what to expect.

Within days, the tree was picked bare — all the cards had been taken. We put out a box, hoping to get some gifts back, but we never dreamed of the response that followed. Gift after gift came in, filling the box seven or eight times easily! People didn’t just give the gift on the card; they bought extra items and treats to make the holidays more special. As the tree emptied and the box filled, members began to talk to each other about how difficult it must be to be without a home for the holidays.

Maybe we realized how lucky we are, that basic needs like a warm jacket or a pair of socks or shoelaces aren’t part of our holiday wish list. Maybe we stopped taking for granted the ability to run to the store for such mundane items, and maybe we recognized that a family room floor that is littered with pine needles isn’t such a pain in the neck — homeless people have no tree and no family room to call their own. No matter the cause, an amazing spirit of gratefulness and generosity infiltrated our conversations and resounded throughout the club.

Your profound capacity to care helped make the holidays a little brighter for so many, from young mothers with infants, to entire families, to senior citizens with no families at all. We are happy to announce that two shelters, The Spooner House, a home for families with young children, and The Shelter of the Cross, a home for senior citizens, received more than 100 gifts from our members. In addition, The Bridgeport Rescue Mission received seven bags of used toys and several boxes of clothing as well. Like we said, we always knew you were special and terrific people, but we felt it was time to let you know just how incredibly lucky and proud we are to know you and to be part of the “family.” Happy holidays and may 2005 bring you great health, boundless happiness, and unending joy.


LuAnn & Chuck Maute and Dorrie Carolan

Horseshoe Ridge Road, Sandy Hook                         January 4, 2005

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