Many Worked HardOn Monument Project
Many Worked Hard
On Monument Project
To the Editor:
We would like to thank those that contributed their efforts to the Soldiers and Sailors Monument project, particularly Craddock Heirloom Gardens, Connor Landscaping, Swensonâs Granite Works, and Ken Burns Electric.
As many know, the intention was to enhance the monument, which has gone neglected for some time now. We hoped to dedicate the project to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and to those that continue to serve in harmâs way. Newtown has several such quiet heroes serving overseas. The goal was to have this completed in time for the tercentennial.
The monument project had been ongoing for nearly a year and had included unanimous support from the warden of the Borough, the Board of Burgesses, and the Borough of Newtown Historic District. There were more than ten public hearings that addressed the work. Two positive Newtown Bee articles encouraged the project. Brid Craddock did yeomanâs work presenting detailed photographs, prints, illustrations, and cost analyses. The Borough of Newtown Historic District spent hours reviewing the proposal and scaled it down to fit the time period. Connor Landscaping worked diligently including into the late evening hours. Swensonâs Granite Works volunteered significant guidance and services. Ken Burns Electric donated their labor and electrical work.
A few weeks ago the project was scrapped by the Board of Burgesses. We are past the point of debating whether there was townwide support for the project as expressed by some, or whether the belated opposition arose from a pocket of individuals. The simple fact of the matter is that significant work was done and these good people and their businesses deserve a huge thank you!
We wish our soldiers and their families a safe and happy holiday. May God shed his grace on you.
Jim Gaston, Senior Burgess, Board of Burgesses
Betsy Kenyon, Member Board of Burgesses
Main Street, Newtown                                         December 23, 2004