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Senior services for Newtown seniors are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. The Senior Center is under the auspices of The Commission on Aging. The center is run by the Senior Services Director, Marilyn Place. For



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Senior services for Newtown seniors are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. The Senior Center is under the auspices of The Commission on Aging. The center is run by the Senior Services Director, Marilyn Place. For more information about programs offered at the Senior Center call 270-4310.

You may drop in at the Senior Center on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook weekdays between 10 am and 4 pm. A hot meal is served at noon for which you must reserve three days in advance.

Newtown has daily door-to-door mini-bus service Monday through Friday. Buses also run all day from the senior center to Sand Hill Plaza. On Fridays, the bus alternates between rides to Danbury Fair Mall and Berkshire Plaza in Danbury (to the new Wal*Mart store on Route 6). Cost is 65¢ each way for the Sand Hill Plaza trip, 75¢ each way for out of town. Call 748-2511 TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE to book a ride and get the out-of-town Friday schedule.

News For Week of

May 9-13

*Lockwood Lodge will be hosting a HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR on Tuesday, May 17, from 10 am until 2 pm.

Among other highlights, TRIAD will be handling out important information about how to not be a victim of crime and the first 200 attendees will be treated to a free lunch to go.

Admission is free. Free gift bags will be handed out after many demonstrations.

*The ANNUAL RSVP LUNCHEON will be Wednesday, May 18, at The Amber Room in Danbury.

Don’t forget to call in your hours – your time means money for RSVP.

*The next TRIAD S.A.L.T. COUNCIL MEETING will be Thursday, May 26, at 3:30 pm. Please call the senior center if you are unable to attend.

This Week’s Programs

*MOTHER’S DAY TEA AND BINGO WITH MUSIC: Join Bill Michaels on Tuesday, May 10, at 1 pm. He will be performing some old-time favorites while we sip a variety of teas.

Bring your favorite teapot and cup.

Bingo follows at 2 pm. Please call the senior center to reserve a spot.

*The next program in the WELLNESS SERIES presented by International Wellness consultants Kelly Delaney, Pamela LaBate and Holly Sanford will be on Thursday, May 12, at 1 pm. Please join us for an informational seminar.


REMINDERS: The next AARP 55 ALIVE DRIVING COURSE in Newtown will be Monday and Tuesday, June 13-14. The class will be from 9 am until 1 pm each day and you must attend both days in order to receive credit for the course.

Pre-registration is required, and space is limited to 25 people. Call the senior center to sign up.

*Has it been a while since you’ve played BRIDGE? Would you like to learn how? Stop by the senior center any Monday at 10 am for a game or two.

*Back by popular demand: ETHEL KAUFMAN is at the senior center every Monday at 1 pm to lead a CHORUS GROUP. Come enjoy some festive music with your friends.

*A new series of COMPUTER CLASSES are being offered on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3 to 4:30 pm. All levels of computer users are welcome.

This class will deal with email, Word and the Internet. Stop in for details.

*Pat Babbage has returned, and she is teaching EXERCISE classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Classes begin at 10:30 am.

*HATHA YOGA classes are offered on Monday and Thursday mornings at 10. Try a class with Helen Herbold to get rid of stress and anxiety while learning to breathe correctly. Bring a mat or towel to lie on and wear loose clothing (no belts; sweats are perfect). Also learn how to use all the muscles in your body through relaxation.

*Lynn Flanders is teaching COUNTRY-WESTERN LINE DANCING each Tuesday morning from 10:30 until 11:30. Cost for each class is $1. Lynn has a unique style and she’s full of energy – come join the fun!

*On the second, third and fourth (and fifth, when applicable) Tuesdays of each month, FLORAL ARRANGING workshops will meet with Marianne Imhoff. These sessions will begin at 1 pm. Please call to sign up.

*Join us at BROOKFIELD LANES each Tuesday and Thursday for a great time bowling. We meet at noon; the cost is $1.25 per game.

*Anyone interested in learning HOW TO PLAY MAH JONGG? Lessons will be given on Thursday mornings at 10 am.

*REGULAR MAH JONGG PLAYERS are reminded that the advanced group plays at 9 am on Fridays.

*QUILTING CLASS meets on Fridays at 10 am.

*Municipal Agent ANN PICCINI VISITS the senior center on Thursday mornings from 10 until noon to help with Conn Pace, medical information and Title 19 issues you may be having. Call ahead or just stop in to talk with someone who can help you figure you way through these sometimes confusing subjects.

If you can’t catch up with Ann during one of her visits at the senior center, try reaching her at her office at 3 Main Street (below the police department). Call her there at 270-4330.

*Also on Thursdays, Newtown’s seniors are invited to stop by between 2 and 3 pm to have their pictures taken and to fill out pertinent information that will be stored in the glovebox of your car, all of which is part of the new NEWTOWN YELLOW DOT PROGRAM.

This is a Triad Project that will help save lives, and it’s the first project of its kind in our state. The project consists of an information card and a yellow dot sticker that is affixed to your car window. In the event of an emergency, first responders can identify the vehicle as being part of the Yellow Dot Program and will look for the information in an envelope inside your car, saving time and supplying life saving information. The project is a partnership between the community’s senior citizens, People’s Bank and Newtown Police Department.

*UPCOMING TRIPS for Newtown senior citizens include POLKA FEST at Mt Haven Resort on Wednesday, May 11 (departure is 9 am, and cost is $66 per person); an Ace in The Hole lunch-theater production of VIVA LAS VEGAS on Wednesday, May 25 (departure is 9 am, and cost is $69 per person); something called “LOBSTER & LIVE MUSIC” at The Log Cabin on Wednesday, June 8, featuring live music by the nationally acclaimed band Eight To The Bar ($73 per person, 8 am departure); THE ADIRONDACKS, June 21-23, including overnight accommodations at The Queensbury Hotel and a tour of Saratoga Springs among other highlights, $229 per person/double; and a STATE OF LIBERTY AND ELLIS ISLAND outing on Wednesday, June 29 ($77, departure at 7:30 am).

In the fall a trip is also in the works for FALMOUTH AND MARTHA’S VINEYARD, September 7-9, including a cruise on the Cape Cod Canal and overnight accommodations at The Shoreline Acres Resort ($369/single, $469/double or $359/triple).

Stop by the senior center for a full listing of this year’s trips, and details for any of the outings.

Menu For Week of

May 9-13

Reservations must be made one or two days in advance.

Meals are subject to change.

Monday, May 9: Cheese baked ziti with turkey sausage and Parmesan cheese, tossed salad with French dressing, diet fruited Jell-O with topping;

Tuesday, May 10: Chicken gumbo soup, unsalted crackers, seafood salad with lettuce and tomato, marinated beet salad, croissant, lemon cake;

Wednesday: Roast pork loin with gravy, roasted rosemary potatoes, green beans, applesauce garnish, whole wheat bread, pistachio pudding with topping;

Thursday: Turkey with gravy, cut sweet potato, cranberry sauce, spinach, oatmeal bread;

Friday: Stir-fry beef with broccoli, brown rice, diced carrots, multi-grain dinner roll, pineapple juice, mandarin oranges.

MAY 16-20

Also, for planning ahead—

Monday, May 16: Boneless chicken piccata, buttered noodles, California blend vegetables, soft breadstick, peaches;

Tuesday, May 17: Virginia ham with pineapple glaze, scalloped potatoes, green beans, whole wheat bread, diet fruited Jell-O with topping.

Activities Schedule,

May 9-13

Monday: AM Bridge, yoga, exercise; PM chorus group;

Tuesday: AM Pinochle, country-western line dancing; PM bowling (at Brookfield Lanes), floral arranging, pot luck dinner;

Wednesday: AM Pinochle, exercise; PM Mother’s Day Tea, Bingo & Music with Bill Michaels;

Thursday: AM Pinochle, hatha yoga class, Municipal Agent visits, mah jongg lessons; PM bowling (at Brookfield Lanes), TRIAD/Yellow Dot photos taken, Wellness Series program;

Friday: AM advanced mah jongg, sewing, quilting, health screenings (by appointment only); PM knitting.

 Remember, you must call at least one day in advance to book a meal or a ride, 270-4310; the Senior Bus, 748-2511.

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