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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Wanted AFS Host Family



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Wanted AFS Host Family

The AFS (American Field Service) Chapter of Newtown High School sponsors an exchange student or two every year. Thousands of high schools across the United States make this decision to host one or more international exchange students. The benefit to the school is, quite simply the opportunity for students to learn more about the world without leaving home. Teachers who have had AFS exchange students in their classrooms speak of their student’s giving world history and social studies new insight, making the wider world real.

Whether in your 20s or 70s, have children at home or not, are single or share responsibilities with someone, you have the perfect family for hosting an AFS student. The Newtown AFS Chapter is seeking a host family to make the match when volunteering to host an exchange student. AFS does not pay families to host. Host families open their homes for the many experiences it offers.

Anyone interested in hosting a student from AFS International for the fall of 2005, please call Newtown High School at 426-7647 and direct calls to Linda.

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