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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Motorists In A Rush



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Motorists In A Rush

To the Editor:

After returning home from college, I see the traffic situation at the flagpole has not improved. While driving home this week, a young girl was attempting to cross the street at a proper crosswalk.  As required by law, I stopped to let her pass. Unsure whether or not the driver coming in the opposite direction saw the pedestrian, I hand-signaled for them to stop and let her cross. In return, I received an inappropriate gesture and was vulgarly reprimanded for telling them how to drive.

First of all, shame on you sir for not obeying the law and being a good citizen. Secondly, if people are in such a rush to get from point A to point B, please feel free to leave for your destination a few minutes early. That way you will not have to worry about being late, but you could also be a more courteous driver and allow turning cars and pedestrians to share the road safely. It may help to not only reduce the number of accidents at the flagpole, but you will also sleep better at night since you will have that warm good feeling inside that you completed a most basic public service.

In closing, I hope you were in a rush to leave Newtown because it is way too nice of a community for people like yourself.

Thank you,

Jason Garbarino

109 Castle Hill Road, Newtown                                       May 18, 2005

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