And Now, Something New: Park & Read!
Mary Kate Halmose wants to start a lending library-type program at several town parks. For her Girl Scout Gold Award project, she pictures a weather-protected enclosure for Dickinson and Treadwell Parks, and Eichler’s Cove Marina.
Sitting before the Parks and Recreation Commission Tuesday, January 14, she offered her ideas and answered questions.
Member Jan Brookes asked, “So, some people could donate books, and others could borrow?”
That’s the idea, Mary Kate agreed. She is prepared to start a donation program to gather books that would be available to park patrons, “so a child is entertained while mom exercises,” she said as an example. Or, the books at the parks could also be good for moms, “If they forget to bring something to read.”
She hopes to coordinate with book clubs or with the library to help build her lending library, and also said she would like to pass the idea down to younger Girl Scouts.
“It’s a good idea,” several commission members agreed.
Ms Brookes said, “It would be nice to know there is another place [to donate] books.” Has Mary Kate researched similar libraries in other communities? “How do they deal with graffiti or destruction?” she was asked. Ms Brookes also like the idea of younger scouts carrying on the library in the future. To Mary Kate, she said, “Can you develop a plan?”
Maureen Crick-Owen asked that Mary Kate present a drawing for the commission to consider.
Chairman Ed Marks said, “We’re enthusiastic and we want you to come back with plans.” Saying again that the lending library “is a good idea,” he said the commission wanted an idea of what it would look like.
Richard Boritz asked Mary Kate to explain the Gold Award project.
She said it was an idea that would “benefit the community and be sustainable as well.”
She hopes to bring more detail before the board next month.
“This would be a great idea for the community,” Ms Brookes said.
Inquiries about making book donations to this project can be sent to