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Hearth Cooking Workshop



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Hearth Cooking Workshop

FARMINGTON —Newtown Historical Society has a trip arranged to The Stanley-Whitman House and Museum in Farmington on Saturday, September 17, for a workshop in hearth cooking.

There are currently openings for five more people to sign up for this opportunity to learn to cook on the open hearth. Several of the volunteer guides from Newtown Historical Society will be attending this class and are pleased to include a few more interested folks in this Colonial workshop.

The class begins at 9:30 am and lasts approximately four hours; it includes a tour of the national historic landmark the Stanley Whitman House. The class is $20 per person. Call Patty Graves at 426-3418 to sign up and arrange a car pool if interested.

To learn more about the Stanley-Whitman House and Museum visit www.StanleyWhitman.org

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