Letter of Endorsement
To the Editor:
Way back in 2009 I got on my Democratic soapbox and wrote an open letter to state Representative Kim Fawcett, whom I had supported based on her presentation of progressively liberal principles, questioning her decision to vote against SB-899, also known as the same-sex marriage bill.
That legislation in a nutshell redefined “marriage” as the legal union of two persons, guaranteeing equal protection under the law for same-sex couples. According to Project Vote Smart, the law also exempts members of the clergy from joining persons in marriage if it violates their right to free exercise of religion.
Thankfully, support from both Democrats and Republicans led it to pass the CT House in a 100-44 vote. It was also approved by the CT Senate and subsequently signed into law by the Governor Rell. Rep. Fawcett, a Democrat running for the State Senate seat in the 28th District, voted against that bill (PA 09-13). You can check the vote tally.
I, as a Democrat and as a gay woman, was completely disheartened by Kim Fawcett's decision to vote against human equality and a religious leader’s right to choose.
Fast forward five years and this nation have come a long way in terms of marriage equality. In fact, a few days ago the United States Supreme Court handed down a decision that, in essence, increased the number of states allowing same-sex marriage to 24. Many are estimating that number to grow to 30 states in the next few weeks.
I am proud to say that Connecticut was one of the first states to not only recognize same-sex marriage, but give legal validity to it, too. An overwhelming majority of our elected representatives voted for equality that day in 2009, including Kim Fawcett’s opponent in the 28th Senate District, Republican state Rep. Tony Hwang. Yes, the “ultra-conservative” Tony Hwang, as Kim Fawcett laughably describes him on her website, voted in support of the same-sex marriage law.
The great State of Connecticut has a proven track record of being forward thinking, and, yes, sometimes even a tad liberal. I, personally, am proud of that. But when I look to our future and think of having someone like Kim Fawcett who defies human rights and gender equality holding higher office in Hartford it quite literally makes me nervous.
I ask everyone to think about this one simple question before they step into the ballot box: do we want someone who will hold us back or move us forward?
If you want to move forward, I encourage you to vote for Tony Hwang for State Senate on November 4.
Erin Lynch
Bridgeport October 13, 2014