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By Angela Viesto



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By Angela Viesto

All dogs can get arthritis, a condition often caused by injuries and abnormal conformation between bones and joints like hip dyslasia.

Arthritic dogs usually have difficulty getting up, limp after playing or exercise, and hesitate to jump into a car or climb stairs.

 According to Dr. Brian Silverleib from Mount Pleasant Hospital for Animals, “seven out of ten dogs” he sees have arthritis.

Many dog owners don’t realize that the pain their dog is suffering from can be caused by arthritis.

Rimadyl and Deramaxx are two top medicines that veterinarians prescribe for their arthritic patients to help ease the pain. Even though these drugs can help alleviate the pain, the arthritis is still there. When dogs feel less pain, they sometimes think that they are healthy puppies again. Therefore, dog owners must be careful that the dogs don’t over exert themselves and cause further harm.

Along with medication, a heated bed for dogs that find cold uncomfortable or an orthopedic bed which helps distribute weight evenly and reduces pressure on the sore joints can help your dog be more comfortable. For an arthritic dog with neck or back problems, a dog harness works better for daily walks.

Swimming is an excellent exercise for arthritic dogs since swimming helps the dogs work out the muscles and joints that are causing the pain. Maintaining proper body conditions is vital for arthritic dogs.

After a while, arthritis may cause the dog to lose the use of its legs. When this happens, many dog owners decide to put their dog to sleep even if their dog is still healthy and the legs are the only problem.

But Roseann Reggiano, whose dog Natasha developed arthritis did some searching and found some companies that make wheelchairs for dogs.

“I was so happy when I got Natasha the wheelchair,” she said. “It gave her mobility, she was able to play again and to have fun,”

Each wheelchair is especially designed for any size dog and helps the dog live a happy and healthy life again. These wheelchairs help give dogs a few extra years added onto their life until it is time.

To help their arthritic dog to be happier and healthier, a dog owner should slow the progression of their dog’s joint condition with medication. It is important to maintain the dog’s weight by providing daily exercise like walks or swimming.

There is no cure for arthritis in dogs but dog owners can help improve the quality of life for their four-legged friends.

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