Volunteers Needed To Open Their Hearts & Homes
Volunteers Needed To Open
Their Hearts & Homes
Quest International, a nonprofit organization, is seeing volunteers to host English-speaking foreign exchange students from Thailand, France, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Czech Republic, Estonia, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Slovakia, Italy, Russia, and South Korea. Students between ages 15 and 18, who want to experience American culture will be in the area for the 2006-07 school year or a five-month semester program.
Students have their own spending money and health insurance.
Anyone is invited to host including singles, single parents, married couples, empty nesters, retirees, etc, as long as they can provide a warm, loving home, room and board. Students can even share a room as long as they have their own bed.
For more information visit QuestExchange.org, call toll free at 866-540-4029, or send email to ForeignExchangeOrg@yahoo.com