So Who's Uneducated?
So Whoâs Uneducated?
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the recent Bee letter from Mr Justin Scott who has to the best of my knowledge never met me or any other member of my family, even though he claims to have met my Uncle Chuck.
Mr Scott is welcome to his position on my familyâs subdivision guaranteed him by the first amendment in the constitution. Unfortunately someone reading the letter may not realize that it is only his opinion and unsubstantiated comment. In his ignorance, he depicts our family as uneducated hicks who neither appreciate the value of an education nor have the intention of providing for themselves with an honest job.
My family has brought me up to believe that one should go to school and be able to be an individual that can survive in the real world and treat others with respect. They have also taught us to give back to the community by volunteering for such organizations as Ashlar of Newtown, St Johnâs Church, future Newtown Girl Scouts and Faith Food Pantry. My parents are college graduates and both my brother and I plan to obtain at minimum a bachelorâs degree. At this point in time I am going into my junior year at Newtown High School where I have been an honor roll student and plan to stay that way. I am Senior Girl Scout and belong to the Junior State of America. My brother was a part of Newtown Middle Schoolâs Art Enrichment program for gifted students and is enrolled into the Honors Art Program at Newtown High School for his freshman year. In addition I know that my aunt and uncle are making provisions to ensure that my four and five-year-old cousins will follow in our footsteps. If Mr Scott wants any more documentation he can contact us at anytime to get his facts straight.
Sincerely, _Erin L. Moulthrop
P.S. For the record I do not see a diesel truck in my future. _Buttonball Drive, Sandy Hook              August 13, 2001