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Rules Of Life In America



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Rules Of Life

In America

To the Editor:

There’s much confusion whirling about regarding politics these days. A few of us clear-thinking individuals (of whom, all but I, wish to remain anonymous) here in Newtown decided, as a public service, we would sift through the confusion and publish a summary of the rules of life here in 2012 America. We didn’t write these rules and have no means of enforcing them, and some of these rules have been turned on their heads by the US Courts. We’re not even stating that we agree with them all... but there’s no disputing, these are the rules.

1. Abortion is murder. Somehow the left managed to circumvent the law with some crazy “right to privacy” hoo-hah. When the abortionist chooses to suck the brain through the skull of the unborn, or to dismember the fetus, and this is ethically defended and protected by law (by the same people who take offense at Rush Limbaugh correctly identifying a Georgetown duck by its walk), this is the most glaring contradiction in current liberal “thinking.” If you’ve had or performed an abortion, and you’re racked with guilt, well OK, maybe there’s hope for you. If not, you’d probably be happier in Europe… you’re a lost cause. But make no mistake, abortion is murder. That’s the rule. (Again, we didn’t write the rules, just reporting them.)

2. It’s not worthy of a nationwide discussion when US soldiers urinate on the corpses of the enemy on the battlefield. Nor should you get your knickers in a bunch when a few Islamic “holy books” get burned. No big deal. Both issues probably warrant a reprimand and a rap on the knuckles… nothing to see here, please keep moving. It is worth getting riled up when the corpses of US soldiers get dragged through the streets of Mogadishu or US contractors get hung from a bridge in Iraq… but these type events can’t seem to grab the left’s attention. Anyhoo. it’s OK to tinkle on the Taliban… that’s the rule.

3. People who have a great deal of money don’t owe their fellow citizens anything. Most of them take initiative to help their fellow citizens… philanthropy predates our present tax code nightmare. But that is their prerogative and should not be required by law. If you presently pay no taxes or are collecting unemployment, admire those who are successful. Use them as a role model. By following their example, you can boost your pride, restore your dignity and get off the dole. But whining about them being rich is very unbecoming… that’s the rule.

We’ll advise on further rules in the coming months. Come this November, seek out candidates who know the rules. (Here’s a tip… look carefully, they’re hard to find... and don’t waste time on Democrats... they play by different, upside-down rules, as do most Republicans.) Use the US Constitution as a guide. If a candidate abides by the Constitution, he or she is worthy of your vote. That’s the rule.

Brendan Duffy

4 Chestnut Knoll Drive, Sandy Hook                            March 4, 2012

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