Child Grief Series Set
Child Grief
 Series Set
NEW MILFORD â The New Milford Visiting Nurse Association will hold a free Parent/Child Bereavement Workshop starting Monday, December 6. This six-week series is for the parent and child, or children, who have experienced a death in the family or of a significant person in their lives.
This group will be facilitated by Ruthellen Griffin, creative therapist, and Mary Lee Carroll, a therapist and social worker. The group helps both parent and child cope with the loss of a significant family member and the additional stress of the holiday season. Attending all sessions is recommended, seating is limited.
The series will be held at the New Milford VNA Headquarters, 68 Park Lane, (Route 202), from 6 to 7:30 pm. For more information about this or any of the New Milford Visiting Nurse programs and services call Mary Peitler 860/354-2216.