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Earth Day 2008-



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Earth Day 2008—

Turning The State Green ‘OneThing’ At A Time

By Kendra Bobowick


The state’s website is asking, “What’s one thing? What’s your one thing?”

Beneath a photo of Governor M. Jodi Rell, are words that get to the point: “OneThing is a simple step you take to save energy…” Turn off the light, bump the thermostat down a degree or two, and get out the grocery list and add on a set of energy-efficient light bulbs for the kitchen fixtures. The web introduction continues, “But it’s more than that. It’s also the mindset that you can make a difference. A movement to get everyone involved. And a solution to help ensure a better energy future here in Connecticut.” The initiative, in part, puts Connecticut at the forefront of the environmental “going green” effort, confirms Newtown Clean Energy Task Force member Terrence Ford, with an eye toward Earth Day on April 22.

 The website offers tips that anyone can apply right away. Choose OneThing At Home from the menu and take the hints. “Can you take a shorter shower?” it asks. Following this question that tops the list is the answer: “Probably. Can you save gallons of hot water every month? Absolutely. That’s OneThing.” Like this example, the results — one day to the next, one household to the next — are cumulative.

Spokesperson Richard Harris explains. “If you pick one thing, it adds up,” he said, then did some quick math, beginning with an estimated three-and-a-half million people in Connecticut.

“If everybody did one thing for a day that’s three-and-a-half-million things. If they did one thing for a year it’s two billion things,” he estimates. “That can make a difference in energy usage.”

Figure into the equation the following OneThing At Home suggestions — some of which will appeal to the kids — “Nag your parents. If they’re being wasteful, give them a few OneThings they can do around the house. That’s OneThing.”

Also on the list are the following: “Double it up. Double pane glass windows keep the heat inside and save you a lot. That’s OneThing,” “Wait til 8! Use your bigger appliances after 8 at night to reduce the energy strain during peak hours. That’s OneThing,” “Use a broom and a little human power, instead of gas powered blowers when possible. That’s OneThing.” The list is long.

Why stress OneThing so much?

“The state is trying to promote green awareness,” Mr Harris said simply. Governor Rell had issued a statement in 2006 that explains the effort. She had commented at the time, “Today, Connecticut has a chance to turn its energy challenges into opportunities, to become less energy dependent, to create new jobs and secure Connecticut’s quality of life. Taking these steps will help move Connecticut toward more stable energy prices, a more secure and diverse energy supply and a cleaner, greener environment.”

(See related story about Newtown’s energy conservation efforts)

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