Sandy Hook Doesn't Need More Traffic
Sandy Hook Doesnât Need
More Traffic
To the Editor:
Up for approval by Newtownâs officials is a new 24,000-plus-square-foot industrial building on Turnberry Lane in the Curtis Corporate Park off Toddy Hill. Along with this building comes 93 parking spaces for the 93 more cars that will be traveling Route 34 and Toddy Hill to get to and from work.
This is definitely not what us Sandy Hookers need stuffed in our Christmas stocking. Traffic studies as far back as 2002 have said that this area is overcongested and only minimal roadwork has been done that did nothing to alleviate traffic but only made a partial breakdown lane. When this corporate park was initially proposed in 2001-2002 traffic was an issue and the town stated that improvements will be made as needed by the town or by the owners of the corporate park sites. There are no new traffic studies by the town or the developers in Curtis Corporate Park on the growing congestion. At the initial meeting on this new building the town board stated they were unaware of a traffic problem in the area. I encourage all of the commuters who sit with me in up to 30-minute traffic delays daily to make their voice heard at the next town planning meeting on January 4 at 7:30 in the Newtown offices, 31 Peckâs Lane.
Jody Murphy
6 Fir Tree Lane, Sandy Hook                                December 22, 2006