Police Report Holiday Period Enforcement Statistics
Police Report Holiday Period Enforcement Statistics
Police organizations in the state have released law enforcement activity statistics for the recent holiday period, including motor vehicle accidents and arrests.
During the three-day New Yearâs weekend, including December 30 and 31 and January 1, state police responded to a total of 236 motor vehicle accidents, of which 37 accidents involved injuries, and one accident had a fatality.
State police made 40 arrests for drunken driving, 453 for speeding, 64 for seatbelt violations, and 457 miscellaneous arrests.
The Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, which represents all municipal police departments in the state, reported its statistics for the 11-day period from December 22 to January 1.
During that period, officers in municipal police departments made 9,087 motor vehicle stops. Activity covered 1,923 motor vehicle accidents, which included four fatalities. Police officers made 297 arrests for drunken driving.