Thanks For The Coverage
Thanks For The Coverage
To the Editor:
On behalf of our parish community, I thank you for all your many kindnesses in reporting the news of our school and parish activities. As the largest church community in Newtown, our parishioners are very active in both religious and community events. I am very proud of the many accomplishments and good works of our St Rose parishioners and appreciate your positive reporting of them.
Thanks in particular for the coverage given to our new Bishop during his first visit to Newtown. I thank the members of the Newtown High School Band and the Sandy Hook Fire Department and the many parishioners who attended the welcome Mass. One of the highlights of the evening was the presentations of âNewtownâ gifts including a 5-year subscription to The Newtown Bee. The Bishop was thrilled and very excited when he received his first copy of The Bee. I thank the staff members of The Bee who contributed to the cost of this subscription especially âdownstairs Sandy,â Joanne McCaffrey and Kaaren Valenta and the company who provided us a discount for this subscription. With all that is happening at St Rose, I know the Bishop will greatly appreciate his weekly copy for many years to come.
Once again, my thanks and the thanks of all of us from Saint Rose Roman Catholic Community.
Rev Robert Weiss, Pastor
46 Church Hill Road, Newtown                                  April 27, 2001