Need A Flexible Approach To Earning A High School Diploma?
Need A Flexible Approach To Earning A High School Diploma?
The Newtown High School Adult Diploma Program will be having registration for the fall semester on Wednesday, September 5, at the school from 6 to 8 pm. Enrollees should bring a copy of their high school transcript so that previously earned credits can be awarded and classes determined.
This program is open to students 16 years of age or older, not currently enrolled in school and who have not earned a high school diploma or GED. The primary objective of the diploma program is to provide adults with an alternative approach toward earning a high school diploma, thereby increasing educational and vocational opportunities.
The Newtown Adult High School Diploma program operates three eight-week semesters. Classes meet twice a week on Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday from 7 to 9 pm. Students can also take Independent Study courses and there are many additional options for earning credit.
Interested students can contact a counselor prior to enrollment to determine what credits are needed and the best way to approach this requirement. The most exciting component of this program is the flexibility that it offers to individuals.
For more information, call 426-1787.