Genealogy Club To Begin New Season Of Meetings
Genealogy Club To Begin
New Season Of Meetings
The Genealogy Club of Newtown will hold the first meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 12, at 7 pm, at C.H. Booth Library.
The topic will be âLocating Your Ancestors: An Introduction to the Genealogical Use of Geographical Resources,â to be presented by Erin Nikitchyuk of Piper Publishing, LLC. She will be covering the basics of using geographical resources to make progress in your genealogical journey.
Included will be an overview of different kinds of maps and sources, a challenge to dig for clues, and a case study in progress that may lead to a breakthrough in Ms Nikitchyukâs own research.
There will also be a software and website demonstration of what the local publishing company Piper Publishing, LLC is doing with old maps to make genealogical and historical information accessible to researchers.
Meetings of the Genealogy Club of Newtown are open to the public, and are held the second Wednesday of each month at the library, 25 Main Street. Refreshments are provided.