Democratic Support At The Parade
Democratic Support At The Parade
To the Editor:
I heard many people say this was the best Labor Day Parade ever. I think so. I was marching with First Selectman Herb Rosenthal and the Democrats. Right behind me was Chris Lyddy, a young man in his 20s who is running for council in the First District. He had his whole family there. He is just the kind of family man and young person we need in politics today. Please vote for him.
The Democrats had a bus with lots of information on it. I donât know how many people got to read that information, but some of it I didnât realize even though I am on the town committee. Herb and Selectman Joe Bojnowski entered office with seniors receiving only $30,000 in tax relief their first year. They now get $1 million. Emergency volunteers get $115,000 in property tax relief and ambulance and fire department volunteers get $125,000 in pension benefits.
While the other parties handed out slogans, Herb and Joe highlighted accomplishments. Support them so they can continue to work for the town.
Richard S. Eigen
5 Johnny Appleseed Drive, Sandy Hook        September 5, 2007