To the Editor:
To the Editor:
Iâm writing to support Joe Borst for first selectman and Paul Mangiafico for Board of Selectmen in the upcoming election. These people are individuals I trust will maintain the character of Newtown while leading it forward.
Joe Borst is an open, honest man of integrity. I hope voters who value honor, loyalty, keeping your word and individuals who conduct their party business in an ethical manner will support Joe. He works hard to serve the interests, needs and priorities of the whole community and not political agendas. He is not afraid to challenge the status quo. Heâs a true gentleman making people, not politics, his priority.
Joe Borst is a man who welcomes community involvement from all quarters and has shown he is open to new ideas. He may not always agree with your point of view, but he clearly communicates his thoughts in a respectful manner. He does not attack or shun new concepts, as demonstrated by his recognition for better long-range planning, and the need to make our town more affordable for all.
 IPN candidates also understand the changing needs of our community. They have made great efforts to work from within the system, but also recognize sometimes you have to work and think outside the status quo to achieve positive change. IPN leadership has demonstrated its willingness to work with all boards and commissions in town, including the Board of Education. Cooperation works both ways, and not all boards and commissions have members who, in return, are willing to work with and be responsive to the community and all of its taxpayers, even those with whom they may disagree. It is through these efforts to understand and discuss our differences that perhaps we achieve common goals supported by all.
IPN leadership has said it believes that addressing issues with our schools and recreation are priorities, but they also recognize that municipal needs also must be addressed. Our current town leader has not placed educational needs first, as demonstrated by the more than $100 million in school repairs we face, and our high school being threatened with probation. Itâs a matter of priorities and leadership to get things done.
Leadership of IPN and WECAN have a consistent agenda. That agenda has always been to establish a better long-term planning process that will help better anticipate the changing needs of our community. They have also demonstrated a willingness to listen to the community and suggest new ideas in an effort to continually improve, and have demonstrated they are wise enough to make course corrections when receiving constructive input. That is called working together to meet the needs of the community.
People like Joe Borst, Paul Mangiafico, and IPN are smart enough to recognize staying the course doesnât always work. Sometimes a change in direction sparked by an infusion of new people and new ideas is what is needed. I encourage Newtowners to vote for Joe Borst, IPN candidates, IPN supported candidates, including Gary Davis, Legislative Candidate for District 2.
Sherri Davis
23 Charter Ridge Drive, Sandy Hook              October 31, 2007