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The Community Must Have Its Say



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The Community

Must Have Its Say

To the Editor:

I am sure this week you are receiving many letters from disappointed Newtown residents regarding the High School Expansion Project, and the Board of Selectmen’s decision not to send it to referendum. Well here’s one more.

My husband and I have lived in Newtown for the past nine years, and have three children, two of whom are in Head O’ Meadow and the third is a preschooler. The high school being awarded a Blue Ribbon Award for Schools of Excellence in 2000 made us very proud of the town in which we had chosen to raise our children. The fact that it no longer enjoys that status is of great concern to us.

It further concerns me that our high school is now is on warning status, and may some day lose its accreditation. I understand the debt that will be incurred by an expansion. I know that after the state reimburses Newtown close to one-third of the expenditure of the addition, the cost per household over the 20-year life of the bond is more cost-effective for my family than sending three kids to private school. That is neither an affordable nor practical option, particularly as our housing values continue to fall. If that is our only option, I just can’t imagine staying in Newtown. Newtown’s taxpayers deserve the right to vote on this! Whether the referendum would pass or fail, we all deserve to have our voices heard, and to decide for ourselves how much debt we are willing to pay for with our tax dollars.

In the statement Herb Rosenthal presented to the selectmen explaining his reasons for voting No, he said, “Many people have spoken to me in opposition to this project for a variety of reasons, including opponents who generally support education budgets and capital projects. In fact I have had more direct contacts against this project as it is proposed than any other school capital project in the past.” [Emphasis added.] Why do the “many” people who may have happened to contact Mr Rosenthal have more of a say than the town as a whole, than the people who feel strongly in favor of the addition but who didn’t contact him? Many people expected to express their support on their ballots. It is a community issue that must be decided by the community; we all must have the opportunity to have a say.

When I told my children we might not be able to vote for a high school expansion, my 7-year-old son said, with disbelief, “How can just three guys decide not to let a whole town vote! That’s just not right!” Even a 7-year-old understands fundamental rights.

Please Mr Rosenthal and Mr Mangiafico, reconsider and let the people of Newtown have a say in their future!


Tracy Holman

5 Abbotts Hill Road, Newtown                                    March 21, 2008

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