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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

It was a privilege to have served on the Legislative Council for the past two years and to have represented the interest of Newtown’s school children, their parents, the seniors of our community, and everyone else in between.

I care deeply about this community, and its future hinges in large part of Tuesday’s election. From my perspective and experiences as a member of the community, I am endorsing all of IPN’s candidates, Joe Borst, Paul Mangiafico, Donna A. Monteleone as the Republican write-in candidate for the two-year BOE term, Julie Luby and Lillian Bittman and Legislative Council petitioning candidate Ruby Johnson.

Having sat on the LC and been an active member of this community, I have heard a great many of you loudly and clearly protesting the building of the new town hall. I am distressed that the town hall project is proceeding despite public disapproval and outcry. It’s unfortunate that the media and the current administration continue to direct its focus on the status quo and not on the future. We continue to see that our leaders’ priorities are FFH while the structures of our schools are in dire need of repair. Likewise, we have seen a valuable resource lost in the closing of Dickinson pond without a plan in place causing our taxpayers to seek recreation in other towns.

The candidates of IPN are focuses on prioritizing the various needs of our community. Please do not be swayed by the recent mailing on behalf of the current administration which claims that education is a top priority to them, or by the administration’s very convenient, politically strategic announcement of the Danbury Hospital lease at FFH a mere week before the election.

While I am happy to see that the current administration has become more responsive during the last month, I am concerned that as soon as the election is over, we will return to the status quo unless we elect IPN and the candidates it supports. These candidates have demonstrated commitment to take a stand on the issues and follow through with a platform unlike the other two political parties.

For those voters who felt disenfranchised by the current administration’s lack of responsiveness to its citizens, particularly at the February 7 Legislative Council meeting and were unhappy with the outcome should not miss the opportunity on November 6 to vote for candidates who are willing to be more responsive and work more diligently to fairly represent the citizens of Newtown.

As a member of the Legislative Council Joe Borst and I unsuccessfully fought for a change from the status quo. Please share my vision for a change and vote on November 6.

Keith Jacobs

Legislative Council

27 Ashford Lane, Newtown                                 October 31, 2007

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