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Eroding The School System



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Eroding The School System

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent Board of Selectmen meeting regarding the proposed expansion of Newtown High School. Our family, as others, moved to Newtown seven years ago because the standard of living and school system were first rate. Unfortunately, with the recent vote by the Board of Selectmen, we find the quality of our schools is eroding seriously. This vote to bar town voters from evaluating the decision to expand the high school is concerning on many levels, specifically:

1) it is concerning that it is not clear that the Board of Selectmen has the authority to make this decision based on the Newtown charter;

2) it is concerning that the facts used by the Board of Selectmen appear to be incorrect and presented in a way to support a “no go” decision;

3) it is concerning that the Board of Education was apparently not notified that the proposed high school expansion would be on the agenda nor was it posted on the website;

4) it is concerning that our property values will most certainly suffer if the high school remains overcrowded and loses its accreditation;

5) it is concerning that the high school, which is currently overcrowded, will become more so as the requirement for increased credits for graduation will lead to a need for more classrooms — that don’t exist currently;

6) it is important to recognize that our high school is a community resource that benefits the entire community — directly through community programs and community-shared resources as well as indirectly by raising the market value of the community.

Given the magnitude of the decision and the potential adverse impact that this decision could have on the community at large, it is incumbent on our elected leaders to let the voters — many of whom are property owners — decide the direction of the expansion. It is clear that the many supporters of our schools wish to ensure that the great quality standards achieved in years past continue their exemplary value in the future. We need to pull together as a community to press for high-quality community and strong educational values that we all espouse.


Martha Decker

46 Cobblers Mill Road, Sandy Hook                           March 19, 2008

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