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The airwaves crackled on a sunny Wednesday afternoon this week as the Newtown Police Department received calls from residents of the Route 302 and Boggs Hill Road area, reporting an extremely low flying plane. There were even some suggestions that th



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The airwaves crackled on a sunny Wednesday afternoon this week as the Newtown Police Department received calls from residents of the Route 302 and Boggs Hill Road area, reporting an extremely low flying plane. There were even some suggestions that the craft may have crashed. It was nothing like that as it turned out to be an airplane expertly swooping over the cornfields at the farm of Charles and Shirley Ferris, making numerous passes to lay down a cover of ryegrass seed for erosion control. This is the third year the Ferrises have taken advantage of a pilot program at their Ferris Acres dairy farm off Route 302. They raise 90-100 dairy cows on the 180 acres of farmland they own and rent. Cornfields cover 22.7 acres and with the hay they raise, the corn is used as feed for their stock.


A possible ambiguity in the Connecticut General Statutes has led to confusion in Newtown and area towns whether all municipal employees are excluded from seeking elective office. Town attorneys in Ridgefield and Redding have ruled that Section 7-421a of the statutes does prohibit municipal employees from running, while Town Attorney William J. Lavery of Newtown has ruled the opposite. And the State of Connecticut isn’t getting involved. The disputed laws fall under Title 7 of the statutes, covering municipalities. The Secretary of the State’s elections division has authority to administer election laws under Title 9 of the statutes. Under home rule provisions, The Bee learned from the elections division, Title 7 interpretations are up to the individual town’s corporation counsel, which, it was conceded, leads to differing opinions. The major local candidate affected was Zita McMahon, town grants administrator and Democratic candidate for town clerk.


Under the auspices of the Children’s Adventure Center, a new nonprofit kindergarten day care program is opening in Newtown. The fledgling program will provide half-day care and education enrichment for kindergarten children at the Adventure Center in the multi-purpose building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. Pat Bailey, chairman of the board of directors, announces that day care will be from 7:30 am to 5 pm in conjunction with Newtown’s school schedule, and that transportation to or from the elementary schools will be available.


Julie Zeisler of Newtown recently captured the Eastern Regional trick skiing championship held in Owego, N.Y., August 1 through 5. Competing this summer in various state championships, including New Hampshire and Maine, Julie consistently took home top honors in her trick riding event.


If no one fools with Mother Nature and she is kept in a good mood, and if the steel for the decking arrives very shortly, the roof work at Sandy Hook School could be completed by the end of September, a group of around 40 parents was told Tuesday night. The occasion was an information meeting for parents called by principal Ron Vitarelli about the roof  replacement job.


The question for members of the public at last Thursday’s hearing on George Arfaras’s request for approval of a ten-court commercial racquetball club off Commerce Road was not whether or not the facility should be built — it was how soon can it be built. Mr Arfaras received unanimous support in a show of hands Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Arthur Spector requested of the 30-odd residents who attended. Several people asked the commission to act quickly on the special exception permit. A local builder and developer, Mr Arfaras estimated that his proposed Newtown Racquetball Club would have 1,300 to 1,500 members. He hoped it could be built by late spring.


Residents of the Mile Hill South and Nunnawauk roads area say they’re going to see whether the Town of Newtown’s hands are really tied in preventing big sand and gravel haulers from using their residential streets. Andrew Perlik of Mile Hill South has informed First Selectman Jack Rosenthal he’ll appear at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting Monday, August 27, to see what can be done about the problem.

AUGUST 27, 1954

Frederick B. Gaffney, son of Mr and Mrs Vincent Gaffney of Botsford Hill Road, was elected king of the 12th annual Fairfield County 4-H Club Fair held on Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, at the Wilton Junior High School.


In their final game of the Berkshire Boys League on Wednesday evening at Taylor Field, Newtown’s Indians scored their second victory over Brookfield in the Berkshire Boys Baseball League to end the season in second place with three wins and three losses. Chipper Hull, pitching very effectively again, held Brookfield to four hits and issued only two bases on balls.


 Simple displays of red gladioli, her favorite flower, marked the birthday last Sunday, August 22, of the late Mary Elizabeth Hawley, benefactress of Newtown. A vase of the tall flowers was placed in the Mary Hawley Memorial Room in Edmond Town Hall, open to townspeople for the day, while red gladioli, mingled with white for contrast, were placed on the altar of the Newtown Congregational Church in Miss Hawley’s memory.


 Graton Ortseifer, manager of the Newtown Tru Valu, entertained the store’s employees, with members of their families and friends, at an outing held at his home in West Haven on Sunday. A swim was enjoyed by the young people before a bountiful picnic lunch. Carl Kuhne was surprised by his fellow workers with a birthday cake and the gift of a jacket, in celebration of his nineteenth birthday.


John F. Holian, chairman of the Democratic Town Committee, was nominated unanimously as a candidate for the unexpired and full term of Judge of Probate for the Newtown district at a party caucus held in the Edmond Town Hall on Tuesday evening, August 24.


Sandra Kovacs, daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephen Kovacs of Mt Pleasant, and Susan Parker, daughter of Mr and Mrs Herman Parker of Main Street, are this week attending the Congregational Youth Conference, Thomas Hooker, at Camp Hazen, Chester, Conn.


Many of the contestants and officials who will participate in the Rodeo and Western Show that is to be held at the Ten “C” Ranch, Hanover District, Newtown, August 29, are well known to rodeo fans all over the country. George Walter, one of the top riders in bronc and bull riding, also an expert calf roper, was with the Cinnabar Ranch for many years and also rode for Colonel Jim Eskew, who runs all of the Roy Rogers’ Rodeos. He will be arena director for the show and will also participate in bronco exhibition riding.

AUGUST 23, 1929

  The Hawleyville Firemen’s Carnival closed on Saturday night, and was a good success financially and socially. The largest attendance was on Saturday evening, the closing night of the carnival.


 Elton Wayland, of Waterbury, ex-mayor Gilbert of Danbury and R.P. Shepard of the sub-committee of the new Fairfield State Hospital, were in town Wednesday, and met the property owners whose property the state will take over for a site for the Fairfield Hills Hospital. They entered into an agreement with all of them, except one.


Dr and Mrs E.L. Kingman plan to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary on August 30.


Plans are all completed for the annual carnival of Virgilius Council, Knights of Columbus, which will open at St Rose Casino, Friday night, August 23, and continue the following night. The four legged rooster raised by Joseph Chervenansky of Walnut Tree Hill District will be on exhibition each night of the carnival and several artists will appear on the program each night.


Martin A. Moller was given a little party Tuesday night at his home in the Borough in honor of his birthday.


William B. Hollister of Darien has bought three lots at Cedarhurst on Lake Zoar. He expects to build shortly.

AUGUST 26, 1904

Miss Hattie Northrop and Miss E.M. Peck have been enjoying a sojourn at Ft Trumbull beach.


The Republican caucus to choose delegates to the state convention to be held at Hartford, September 13 and 14, will be held at the Brick building Thursday, September 1, at 7:30 pm.


Birdsey C. Glover, who has been quite ill with Bright’s disease, is now gaining slowly. One day last week there was a little family gathering at his home. Among those present were Mr and Mrs Orrin Smith, Mr and Mrs E.C. Bevans of Bethel, W.B. Glover and family, and Mrs S.M. Glover and family.


Canfield & Davis are painting Mrs Patrick Carroll’s tenement house just north of M.F. Houlihan’s in Sandy Hook.


Twelve new seats will be put into the main high school room and 12 double desks in the class room. The cellar drain will be opened, and a bin made for coal under the stairs.


George W. Northrop of Palestine returned from a carriage ride through the Berkshire Hills last Friday. He visited friends in Kent, Washington, and Roxbury.


Ernest Sanford, J.C. Beers and Louis T. Briscoe passed Sunday at Ft Trumbull beach.

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