Fears Realized On Queen Street
Fears Realized
On Queen Street
To the Editor:
The fear that residents on Queen Street have voiced at numerous town meetings regarding the speed on Queen Street has come to fruition. During initial meetings, there were requests from residents on suggestions for slowing the speed down on Queen Street. I, as others, recommended stop signs be placed at the Queen Street and Borough Lane intersection.
To hear the screams of pain and anguish caused by a driver who did not even bother to stop is unimaginable. Had this driver been forced to stop while this innocent boy was crossing the street, this tragedy would not have taken place.
Meanwhile, there has been no decision or temporary solution implemented. Now, another traffic study is being conducted. What is the harm in temporarily slowing the traffic down with stop signs, when clearly, it is a low-cost solution. How many other lives need to be affected by this until something is done.
My pain goes out to those parents and hope that this near fatal tragedy will open doors for immediate action in reducing the speed on Queen Street.
Mandy Caldaroni
66 Queen Street, Newtown                                        October 18, 2007