Overwhelming Generosity
To the Editor:
Yikes! I would like to thank all my kids who ride on Bus 30 for all the wonderful gifts that you gave me. Your homemade cards with the great bus drawings were terrific.
I cannot thank the parents enough. Your kind words and the thoughtfulness that went into my presents really touches me. You even had the family dogs involved.
I am so lucky to have such a great group of students from the high school, middle school, St Rose and Sandy Hook Elementary schools. I wish all of the kids that are moving up from one grade to another as well as all the graduates the very best of luck.
Again, I thank you for all that you have done for me to make me feel so special; just like I feel about your kids.
Have a great summer!
Marsha Moskowitz
Owner/Operator Bus 30
8 Roosevelt Drive, Newtown June 27, 2006