Candidate Clarifies His Position
Candidate Clarifies His Position
To the Editor:
Thank you to The Bee for their coverage of the Fetzer/Hemingway position paper on Team Newtown. I just wanted to clarify one point, however. The purpose of using volunteers is not to downsize or reduce the size of the town work force. The purpose is to accomplish those tasks that are needed, but not yet deemed to be priorities, before they become necessities. To be proactive rather than reactive.
In addition, it can reduce the reliance on outside contractors, and allow our employees to focus more on those areas of their expertise that they were hired for. The ultimate goal is to make the town more productive, get the community further involved in determining its own destiny, and look at alternative ways to control spending and thus ease the tax burden.
I would like to thank everyone who has contacted us in support of this initiative and offered their assistance after the election. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Joe or myself at Today, all of us live in a difficult financial climate. The Chinese symbol for crisis is made up of two separate symbols, danger and opportunity. In these challenging times lie opportunities if we are but bold enough and strong enough to seize them. If successful, we will emerge together as a stronger community.
Gary Fetzer
Democratic Candidate for First Selectman
18 Sugar Street, Newtown                                     September 1, 2009