Boys In Black 8, Force 2: Greg Brissette and Adam Beckett led the pitching and Graham Dowd was the hitting star as the Boys in Black advanced to the finals.
Boys In Black 8, Force 2: Greg Brissette and Adam Beckett led the pitching and Graham Dowd was the hitting star as the Boys in Black advanced to the finals.
 Dylan Champagne and Ian Shull starred for the Force.
Dark Knights 8, Tigers 7: Will Huegi gunned down the would-be tying run for the final out of a close and great defensive game. Pete Debona double home two runs and Ryan Escoda singled in the game winner. Owen Mcinerney hit well. Robby Laporta pitched three solid for the Tigers and Jacob Steinebrey starred with the glove.
Dark Knights 6, Boys in Black 2 (championship game): Pete Debona, the game MVP, closed out the season with two scoreless innings and added a double. Ryan Escoda picked up the win in his only start of the season, pitching three strong innings. Will Huegi had a triple and Garrett Reed and Matt Principi starred defensively. Rob Lombardo pitched well for the Boys in Black and Tess Davenport struck out two batters.