A Selectman Steps Down With Gratitude
A Selectman Steps Down
With Gratitude
To the Editor:
Now that I have completed my term on the Board of Selectmen, I want to thank the people of Newtown who have given me the honor of serving this great town for the last 26 years. I am truly grateful to the thousands who voted for me and to the hundreds who contributed financially and worked on my campaigns over the years.
For 14 years as a member of the Board of Education, ten years as first selectman and the last two years as a selectman, I worked and came into contact with thousands of wonderful people. I appreciate the many kindnesses, words of encouragement and appreciation that I received from them, I am also grateful for the hundreds of individuals who have served on boards, commissions, authorities and ad hoc committees, who selflessly volunteered their service for the benefit of the people of the Town of Newtown over those years.
My thanks also go to the employees of the Town of Newtown, both general government and Board of Education, who work hard every day to make Newtown a better place, often without recognition and sometimes with underserved criticism. Thanks as well to the countless people who serve through volunteer organizations, such as the five fire companies, ambulance corps and association, service clubs, youth groups, religious organizations, and others. Without their service, Newtown would not be the same great place that it is. They truly have made it âNicer in Newtown.â
Special appreciation goes to the many people who urged me to seek another term on the Board of Selectmen this year. I was sorry to disappoint them, but I thank the 3,263 voters who allowed me to step back from the role of policymaker to serve in a different capacity, by electing me to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
My congratulation and best wishes go to all of the newly elected and reelected town officials. I urge everyone who has supported me to join with me in supporting the efforts of Pat Llodra and her administration as they lead us over the next two years.
Thanks as well go to The Newtown Bee for the very fair reporting and overall good treatment that you have given to me through the years. Last, but certainly not least, I thank my wife Michelle and my family for their love, support, and encouragement.
Best Regards,
Herb Rosenthal
70 Main Street, Newtown                                        December 2, 2009