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March 22, 1985



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March 22, 1985

The town now has a Social Services Department, and a social services director. The department was formed by the Board of Selectmen on March 18, at the request of social worker Lynne Burton, who said this would give her department professional recognition. Ms Burton also requested that her position be upgraded to social services director. The Social Services Department consists of a social worker and a secretary.

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This past week there were eight brush fires in Newtown — eight potentially large fires from dry conditions so common at this time of year. The past months have been exceptionally dry, making the ground ripe for fires in brushy areas. Fire Chief Bill Halstead said that carelessness causes a lot of these fires. Residents are urged to be extra cautious with anything that might cause fires.

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A fire, possibly caused by a gas leak, destroyed a home on Hundred Acres Road the night of Friday, March 15. The saltbox house at the intersection of Aunt Park Lane was owned by Nancy L. Klein and occupied by her and her teenaged daughter. No one was home at the time of the 7:15 pm fire. A dog and some pet gerbils were lost. Although Dodgingtown firemen arrived at the scene about six minutes after the fire was reported, the house was already totally involved in fire.

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One hundred and six middle schoolers went to school on Saturday, March 16. They gave up their Saturday morning at home to compete in the Newtown Spelling Bee sponsored annually by the Newtown Association for the Gifted and Talented. For nearly three hours the spellers match wits. The winners were awarded trophies and copies of Webster’s Thesaurus by the Newtown Bee.


March 25, 1960

The ministers of the four Protestant Churches of Newtown have announced a hymn festival as the fourth of their series of five Lenten services. The hymn festival will be heard this Sunday evening, March 27, at the Newtown Congregational Church, beginning at 8 pm. In this unusual service of Lenten worship, the congregation will be invited to participate.

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Newtown will face the 1960 census confident the outcome will reveal a large growth during the decade 1950 to 1960, to be the third decennial census in a row to show a rising population for the town. However, before the 1940 census Newtown went through a period of a half century of gradual population loss. Then in the following decade it recovered the entire population loss.

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Announcement is made by Harvey Hubbell, Inc, that contract for the construction of its new plant in South Center District was awarded on Friday to W.J. Megin, Inc, of Naugatuck. Construction will start immediately. It is expected that the work will be completed in seven months. The new plant will have a floor area of more than 70,000 square feet.

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The Varsity vs Faculty basketball game at Newtown High School last Friday evening drew a record attendance. With the faculty team leading for almost the entire game, excitement ran high in the last quarter when the varsity managed to tie up the game with a final score of 42 to 42.


March 22, 1935

Alfred Penovi who conducts a chicken farm in Sandy Hook fractured a bone in his right forearm recently while cranking his car. Dr George set the fracture in his office and took him to New Haven for check-up X-rays. He is now doing nicely.

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An enthusiastic meeting of the officers and directors of the Newtown Chamber of Commerce was held at the Parker House, last Thursday evening. It was voted that the Chamber would sponsor a (state) Tercentenary celebration in Newtown, to be held on May 30, and the plans were discussed for the event.

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People passing Hawley Manor these last few days cannot have missed the attractive array of Easter bunnies and candy on display in the windows. Mrs Hunter at the Manor will be pleased to take orders for Easter candy and bunnies, which appeal not alone to the children at Easter time.

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Mrs E.B. Allen, who heralded Armistice Day in Newtown at the time, called The Bee office on Wednesday morning and heralded the fact that spring was just around the corner. On St Patrick’s Day, Mrs Allen called the attention of her husband to two deep orange crocus blossoms in her rock garden. Mrs Allen was pleased to find a cluster of a dozen or more blossoms on the day before the advent of spring. Never did they appear so early before.

March 24, 1910

Editor of The Newtown Bee: Every citizen interested in good roads should endeavor all he can to promote the condition of the highways. Every driver of a team or automobile should take a little trouble and keep out of the wheel rut, especially heavy vehicles should try and find a new path. The result would be a smooth and well packed road surface. Now, when the ground is soft, is the time when this would be most effective. Let’s all try it. — Horseman

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A barn belonging to John R. Peck was burned to the ground, Wednesday morning. The building contained 10 or 12 tons of hay, farm machinery of all kinds, and sleighs. A large section of meadow was burned over and a stack of straw. It is supposed the fire was started by passing trains. The loss is an annoying one at this time of the year when the tools and the extra hay was needed.

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Unless one has had a personal visit to all departments of that up-to-date general store at Sandy Hook, Taylor, Curtis & Co, popularly known as the Brick Store, he has little idea of the magnitude of the stock carried. On the main floor are the dry goods, ladies’ furnishings, groceries, patent medicines and sundries, men’s clothing, hats, and caps. The second floor is the boot and shoe room, curtains, wall papers, carpets, rugs, mattings, wooden ware and the harness and blanket department. The big cellar is for the paints, oils, glass ware, canned goods and a thousand and one articles. The stones of the building are massive and worth looking at. The business was established by William B. Glover in 1831.

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Charles Hawley, the venerable stage proprietor, was overturned in his stage wagon at the New England station on Saturday. He sustained a fractured thigh below the hip joint. Drs Kiernan and Brown attended him. Every prospect seems to assure a recovery. Mr Hawley is a veteran of the Civil War and has been very active for a man of his years.

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