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To the Editor:

Many of us never took seriously the basis for the appeal of Donald Trump. During this election, there were actually two Trumps and two Clintons, depending upon who was doing the viewing. Most of the news media and Democrats saw Trump as egomaniacal, racist, and sexist; they failed to see a man who denounced the entrenched, privileged establishment and its neglect of middle class Americans whose incomes and job opportunities were shrinking.

Simultaneously, there were voters who saw Hillary Clinton as a person who held power for 30 years, and who seemed to convey the message that it was her turn to lead the country as the first female president. Such people did not see a woman who had devoted her life to upholding women's and children's rights, and who worked tirelessly for economic opportunities and racial equality for all of our citizens.

For those whose politics so governs and informs their life that it functions as a religion and hope rests in the President as a savior, it may be difficult to participate in any unification of our county. The first reaction is to fight back, stand the ground, and organize the base. I hope to see us reach common ground; therefore, the words "not my President" are truly discouraging and saddening. Our divided country faces a profound challenge: How can we learn to listen to one another until we all accept the fact that Donald Trump is our president?

I suggest that we attempt to move beyond those simple sound bites in the news media and the ridiculous statements in social media that formed the basis of so much this presidential campaign. They created and fostered caricatures of each candidate, and they continue to be promulgated even after the election. I challenge myself to know where my news comes from.

Finally, I encourage each of us to diligently pray for all those in authority, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3, even for the ones with whom we disagree. Now that the election is over, It is my hope that we can move toward being One nation, under God, and indivisible.


Garry Ober

8 Westwood Terrace, Newtown         January 23, 2017

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