Date: Fri 12-Mar-1999
Date: Fri 12-Mar-1999
Publication: Bee
Author: JAN
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75 Years Ago Life Was Reflected In The Bee
(with cut)
In the early days of this century, Newtown remained essentially an
agricultural community. However, change was on its way, brought about by the
advent of electricity, automobiles, industry and population growth.
By the mid 1920s, though Newtown had been discovered by people in New York
City and New York state as an ideal place for a summer home and tourist
business had increased at local inns and tea houses, it still remained a
quiet, rural community.
Some things, however, never change. Seventy-five years ago, in 1924, residents
of Newtown, just as today, enjoyed simple pleasures, such as a supper at the
Newtown Country Club, a concert at a church, or a lecture by a noted speaker.
It was a time when horses could still triumph over the auto, such as in
February 1924 when Dr W.H. Kiernan's car got stuck in a snow bank and Stanley
Blackman hitched up his faithful horse to drive him to his destination.
Even with the advent of electricity, in 1924 ice harvesting was still
important to local residents.
Just as Newtown has changed through the years, so has The Newtown Bee. In
1924, its front pages could feature advertisements and classified ads, with
personal notes about local residents intermingled among them. It was also
centered more on social and cultural events than government news.
News coverage might include stories about increases in school population, such
as in January 1924, a house fire on February 1, or Senator Philo T. Platt
being overcome by gas while starting his car on February 22.
The town and The Newtown Bee have changed and grown through the ensuing years,
but some needs and concerns never change.
The following are some excerpts from The Newtown Bee in January and February
of 1924. Look for additional excerpts from 75 years ago, beginning next week
in "Way We Were."
January 4: There was never a better time enjoyed than at the Newtown Country
Club last Tuesday evening, New Year's night. Most everyone was there to enjoy
the fine supper gotten up by the young ladies. They deserve special praise and
anyone that has Mrs Rodney Shepard, Mrs Sarah B. Mitchell, Mrs Irving S.
Jones, Mrs Frank H. Johnston and Mrs Fanny Beers Edwards plan for their
welfare in the culinary line can grow fat if they choose.
In spite of the icy traveling and rain Monday night, a good sized audience
enjoyed the watch night concert at the Congregational Church. F. Arthur Ekins,
the baritone soloist, was particularly fine.
The editor of The Bee entertained some unexpected and unusual callers, New
Year's morning. He was routed out of bed about 4 am by an automobile party
from Stratford, who had been spending the evening with Edward Scott and family
of Berkshire. They had a rented Ford limousine, which broke down about 4 am
near Mr Smith's residence.
January 11: Arthur W. Reynolds, owner of Currituck Farm, has promised to kill
one of his choice Aberdeen Angus steers for a roast for the Young People's
Institute to be held at the Congregational Church January 18, 19, 20.
Reports from school enumerators in every town in the state except Waterbury
show there are 4,530 more children of school age in the state than a year ago.
Newtown had 586 children in 1923 and 555 in 1922.
January 18: Friends of Mr and Mrs George W. Northrop gave them a surprise
party at their home last Friday evening, the occasion being the 43d
anniversary of their marriage.
The Men's Club held a very interesting meeting at the Parker House Tuesday
night, Rev. J.L. Lasher being host and Dr Thomas H. Young, a noted eye
specialist of the Yale Medical School being the speaker.
Mrs Marion Richardson of West Virginia, a prominent member of the League of
Business and Professional Women, declares that women should learn the truth
about labor conditions in the soft coal fields of the United States. Such
knowledge, she says, will clear up a great deal of slanderous propaganda
against the bituminous industry. Contrary to the general belief, Mrs
Richardson says that miners live in good houses, their children have the best
schools and good roads and other modern conveniences are the rule and not the
exception in the coal fields.
January 25: The Hanover Road was very badly washed in the big rain of last
Wednesday, at a point below E.F. Northrop's and on the hill coming up into
Hanover Avenue. Big gullies were washed across the roads.
The radiator of a truck belonging to the New England Dry Milk Company of
Hawleyville froze up while coming from Bridgeport, Monday night, and the
driver was obliged to leave the truck on Toll Gate Hill.
The thermometer showed a record of two degrees below zero at Hawleyville
Tuesday morning. The thermometer in Taunton Tuesday morning registered at
zero. The ice crop for the dairy men is now in sight.
February 1: A house formerly owned by D.B. Parmalee and standing a few rods
south of his present residence caught fire Tuesday afternoon and in a short
time was entirely consumed. The building was owned by the Milford Land
Exchange Company of Bridgeport and had been occupied for a year or more by
William Whaley and his two sons. The youngest boy had just returned from
school, when the fire started from in or near the chimney. A strong wind was
blowing at the time which hastened its destruction. Neighbors who arrived soon
after the alarm was given saved most of Mr Whaley's goods.
Stephen Keane of Gray's Plain harvested his ice crop the first of the week,
Clark Page and son assisting him with the work.
February 8: There's going to be a big fire near the Flag Pole tonight (Friday)
at 7:30. Joseph Olean, distributing manager, will be there and he wants you
and all your neighbors to come and see how quickly and easily it will be
extinguished with Hanks Fire chemical. Gasoline, kerosene, acetylene gas, tar
and wood fires are quickly extinguished with Hanks Fire Powder. Don't fail to
attend this interesting and educational fire-fighting event. Veteran and
volunteer firemen are requested to attend this demonstration.
A grocery whist and dance for the benefit of the Newtown Library will take
place on Saturday evening at the Parker House. Tickets, 50 c. The first one to
correctly name the three managers of the event, Hon Lloyd George, Sir Ransay
McDonald and Samuel Gompers will be presented with a prize.
Owing to other events on February 16 the date of the sophomore entertainment
has been changed to March 1. It will take place at Hawley School at 8 o'clock.
The program is as follows: Piano solo, Marjorie Peale, Monologue, Luella
Sperry, Dance, Kennedy sisters, Vocal solo, Ruth Ekins accompanied by Luella
Sperry, mandolin, Louise Nichols, ukelele, and Margaret McCarthy, piano. Piano
solo, Elizabeth Carlson, Play, Margaret McCarthy, Agnes Houlihan, Helen
Nichols, Sarah Farrell, Alice Carmody.
The neighbors in Taunton rallied, Monday and Tuesday, and assisted Richard
Arndt and Daniel Honan in filling their ice houses, cutting the supply from
Taunton Lake.
February 15: A very pleasant evening was passed at the Newtown Country Club
rooms last Monday evening when the whist was in session. The scores ran higher
than usual and Mrs Frank H. Johnston was the leading lady, with Mrs Charles A.
Peale and Mrs Arthur J. Smith tied for second place. For the gentlemen, O.
Howard Hall and Charles A. Peale took the honors.
On Tuesday evening one of the most interesting meetings of this winter was
held at the Grange rooms with a goodly number present. The following program
was rendered: Song "America," Grange, Original paper, "Abraham Lincoln and
George Washington" two great Americans born in February, their contrasts and
their lessons for us. Rev G. Herbert Ekins. Vocal solo and encore, Lillian
Phillips. Recitation, "The Bell of Atri," Ada M. Blakeman. Reading from
Longfellow "The Happiest Land," Catherine M. Cavanaugh. Surprise number in
charge of Lydia A. Glover was the Virginia Reel.
Selectman J.J. Northrop has purchased a fine new flag for the flag pole in the
Street and it was thrown to the breezes on Lincoln's birthday.
On Saturday evening, February 16, Joe Whalen of Bridgeport and his troupe will
appear at the Town Hall under the auspices of the Virgilius Council, Knights
of Columbus. Mr Whalen has a reputation second to none in amateur theatricals.
The famous Palais Royal orchestra of Bethel will play for dancing.
February 22: Senator Philo T. Platt, who was overcome by gas while starting
his automobile, last Thursday and was found unconscious on the ground outside
the building, where he had fallen, was quite seriously ill for a few days but
is now convalescing and is able to sit up a part of the time.
The Men's Club had one of the finest meetings of the year Tuesday night when
Dr Walter Kiernan was the popular host. In spite of the snow storm, nearly the
whole membership was present. D.R. Zabriskie of Hawleyville, Charles G. Meeker
and O.S. Stoddard were guests of the club. The members were given a rare treat
in the address of Dr Millard Knowlton of the Bureau of Preventable Diseases of
the Connecticut State Department of Health. Dr Knowlton declared that the
finest bit of machinery in the world was the human body and that often we
neglect it. We don't have to have diphtheria nowadays if we carry out the
immunization process.
D.R. Zabriski of Hawleyville on leaving Dr Kiernan's Tuesday night, from the
meeting of the Men's Club, got his auto into the ditch. W.C. Johnson, F.C.
Platt, H.G. Warner and Dr Kiernan worked on his car for an hour, and finally
got it into the road and going.
Dr W.H. Kiernan, while on the way to visit a patient in Taunton, Wednesday
morning, had the pleasure of getting his auto stuck in a snowbank. Poland's
milk truck and C.F. Cavanaugh labored for a half hour in getting him out of
the drift. Then Stanley Blackman hitched up the faithful horse and drove him
to his destination.
February 29: The Jewish Farmers' Association of Newtown and Stepney will have
a meeting on March 16, beginning at 10 o'clock, at the residence of Max
Schimmerman. Editor Stone of the Jewish Farmers' Journal and the secretary, Mr
Kastelevsky, will be present and give addresses.
Charles D. Ferris and son, Charles, were visitors in New Milford, Monday.