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Health Care Reform Is An Experiment



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Health Care Reform

Is An Experiment

To the Editor:

Recently Senator Mitch McConnell said, “The problem with health care reform is that it is an experiment that will cut Medicare, raise taxes, and threaten the existing health care options that more than 275 million Americans currently have. While all we need to do is provide coverage for some 20 million more who are uninsured.”

Looking at the amendments to the health care bill that were killed by Democrats last week should serve as a warning to all — and especially seniors — that we need to get involved and call our congressmen.

Last week, Senator Kyl proposed an amendment prohibiting the federal government from limiting consumer choice. His amendment failed 9 to 14.

Senator Cronyn proposed the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation re-score the health care bill for accuracy. This failed 11 to 12.

And Senator John Ensign’s amendment that any “czar” handling health care issues shall be subjected to the Senate confirmation process also failed 10 to 13 along party lines.

These failed amendments show that President Obama’s campaign and inaugural words about accountability and transparency and bipartisanship were just hot air. There is no interest in working within the balance of power created by the constitution. Instead Obama is willing to use a self-appointed health care czar to skirt our constitutional checks and balances. This is not only corrupt, but also designed to increase the federal government’s control over you and I. While the currently insured and seniors are the ones who stand the lose the most.

This plan is not an acceptable plan for American, and as Americans and taxpayers it is our right and responsibility to tell our elected officials in Washington as much.

Here is your contact information for those who need to hear from you:

Senator Dodd 202-224-2823; Senator Lieberman 202-224-4041; Representative Murphy 202-225-4476; or you can call the congressional switchboard 202-224-3121.

The health care options you save will be your own. Thank you if you choose to take action.

Dan Kormanik

85 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook                       September 29, 2009

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