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Heading First To Bennett's Farm in Ridgefield--Newtown Hikers Set Winter 2004 Schedule



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Heading First To Bennett’s Farm in Ridgefield––

Newtown Hikers Set Winter 2004 Schedule

The Newtown Hikers group has announced its winter schedule. The first hike is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 10, at Bennett’s Farm in Ridgefield, and the leader will be David Wesley.

Those wishing to participate in the Bennett’s Farm hike should call Mr Wesley at 438-1659, and they may also check this number for weather cancellations if the forecast is doubtful.

Unless otherwise noted, all outings sponsored by the Newtown Hiking Club start at 9 am on Saturdays from the lower rear parking lot of Edmond Town Hall. From this meeting point, carpools may be arranged. Hikers are responsible for their own food and water, and they are reminded to wear sturdy hiking boots.

Hikes scheduled in 2004 include the following:

January 10, Bennett’s Farm, Ridgefield, Leader David Wesley, 438-1659

January 17, High Rock Dirt Road, Naugatuck State Forest, Leader Tim Hanbury, 888-3025.

January 24, Rockefeller Park, Tarrytown, N.Y., Leader Nancy Zigler, 732-2618.

January 31, Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Leader Ann Kozar, 374-6679.

February 7, Fairfield Hills Property & Governor’s Horse Guard Barn, Leader Ester Nichols, 426-2897 or 788-1398 or pilgrim555@sbcglobal.net.

February 14, #6 Reservoir, Route 44, West Hartford, Leader Idilko Gramling, 263-0086, “A Sweetheart of a Hike on Valentine’s Day.”

February 21, Beardsley Park, Bridgeport, Leader, Rita Qubick, 268-4119.

February 28, White Memorial Park, Litchfield, Leader Betty Horton, 860-354-7526

March 6, Mystery Hike, Leader Morie Colburn, 937-8067

March 13, Sherwood Island State Park, Norwalk, Leader Evelyn Schonberg, 426-0425

March 20, Todds Point, Greenwich, Leader Jack Donlon, 966-8421

March 27, Orenaque Park, Woodbury, Leader Ildiko Gramling, 263-0086. This will be a short kike followed by an end-of-schedule potluck lunch with Jo Tolg as hostess. Call Jo for food coordination at 264-2308.

The Newtown Hikers is an open group welcoming anyone interested in hiking and the outdoors. There is no membership fee. To receive the mailing of hiking schedules all year, send $3 with your name and address to: Claire Sivacek, 114 Stadley Rough Road, Danbury, CT 06811.

Hikers participate at their own risk and must sign a release that may be obtained from the Newtown Parks and Recreation Department at Town Hall South.

Anyone wishing to meet the group at a different point from the designated starting-off place may call the hike leader. If the weather appears to be a factor, also call the leader.

All hikes are moderate unless otherwise stated, and they may last from three to five hours plus driving time. Children are welcome if accompanied by adults.

Bring lunch and beverages. Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended.

For further information, call Ester Nichols, 426-2897 or 788-1398, or the Newtown Parks and Recreation Department at 270-4340.

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