Amy Burgard Engaged to David Gibney
Amy Burgard Engaged
to David Gibney
Richard and Minnie Burgard of Washington, Ill. announce the engagement of their daughter, Amy Elizabeth Burgard, to David Edward George Gibney, son of Brian and Daphne Gibney of Sandy Hook.
The future bride graduated from Washington Community High School in 1988 and Humbolt State University in 1996 with a bachelor of science degree in botany. She is a horticulturist with Harris Court Gardens in California.
The future groom graduated from Newtown High School in 1984. He attended the University of Vermont and graduated from Humbolt State University summa cum laude in 1999 with a bachelor of arts degree in geography. He is a cartographer with Space Imaging in Denver, Colo.
A May 2000 wedding is planned in Tobago.